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I saw clips of her on Neighbours, and I have to say she was a LITTLE wooden. However, I think she is AMAZING on Dollhouse. Possibly a better actress that Dushku.


You think? Her American accent is terrible....she can't get through a sentence without letting her Australian accent through.


Hm, I thought she actually does a pretty good accent, but thats just my opinion.

I think she just has really good versatility on Dollhouse. From the SWAT clean-up crew leader, to Rayna's nerdy fangirl, and to the old British lady in the season premiere, she has shown that she can definitely play a multitude of roles.


Her American accent sounds fine to me....

No, please not a kiss, I swear I'll gag! Mount me if you must but not a kiss!


On the October 23rd episode of Dollhouse ('Belonging'), we see her 'non-doll' persona, named Priya. Priya is Australian, and her actual Australian accent is used.

So, you could say that it's the Sierra character (her doll persona) that has an American accent, and blame (or praise) the quality of that accent on the people who programmed her!

On the IMDb, nobody knows you're a (I said nobody knows!).


She was excellent in last night's episode of Dollhouse, "Belonging".


And ??? Who really cares about the accent ???

English is English,doesen't matter how it sounds,as long as you understand !

And yeah,she acts much better then Dushku !
But honestly,I think Dushku can't act,and is really wrong for the role of a chamelion,cause every persona is the same,just she is in a new outfit !
