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Quick question: why did Neighbours cast her with a white family?

I'm not a major Neighbours fan, and this question's probably been told a thousand times but why did the producers cast her character with a white family? I'm not being discrimative (I hope) but they're not fooling anyone, she clearly looks like she has oriental descent yet her family's white. Is there some back story towards it or what?


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The only peron in her family who was white was Alex. Rachel looks oriental, not as much as her, but must take after her father more. Katya's mother was Tibetan.

Funny you should say that though, I heard that Dichen Lachman origionally applied to play as Elle Robinson, she must have been a good actress but with Rachen and Zeke being in they must have thought putting her in as a sister to them would be more sensible.


Yeah, like Special_Agent_Kato said Alex's wife was from Tibet so they are all supposed to be of mixed race.

Although Katya obviously looks more Asian than her siblings they work well together as a family:

"Are you the Farmer?"


Katya must have just took after her mother morte than the other two.


I know for a fact that the actress who plays Rachel is not ethnically all white (not Tibetan though, Aboriginal), not sure about Zeke in real life.

I've now updated my profile, it's still crap


I'm Asian and I'm not offended. Maybe the producers thought she was more white or maybe her character was "Adopted". In any case, that show is crappy. I wouldn't lose any sleep pondering over any of the puzzling things I see on that show.


It was actually explained in an interview somewhere as a simple she takes after her tibetan parent while the other two take after their ozzie parent.


Both Zeke and Rachel are kind of tanned looking, and not just in a cuz they're australian kind of way, and apart from her eyes Katya looked believably like she was their sister. And it's not uncommon for one child to look more like one parent than the other.

I See Signs Now All The Time, That You're Not Dead, You're Sleeping,
