MovieChat Forums > Dichen Lachman Discussion > Tyrannosaurus Azteca

Tyrannosaurus Azteca

Here is a rundown of the story from

The film will document the (fictionalized, duh!) untold story of Cortes’ first scouting party to the region two years before his famed expedition that set about the historical events of 1500's Mexico we all learned about in school. Cortes and his small band of men will encounter a small tribe of Aztecs that speak Spanish, having been taught by a shipwrecked priest who must not have converted them to Christianity seeing as how they continue to worship a pair of male/female T-Rex's, the last of their kind. Much mayhem ensues and despite Trenchard-Smith's humorous retitling, it's safe to say that the infamous Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortes will not get eaten by the end of this film since history still requires him to go on to claim what we now call Mexico for Spain and bring about the destruction of the Aztec empire.

"You see old friend? I brought more soldiers than you did"


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Quite possibly the single worst movie I have ever seen, but she was the only reason I stayed watching it for a half-hour--she was hot, but not hot enough to make me sit through 'til the end of that steaming pile of offal.

"Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."--G.W. Bush


You must not have watched many SciFi origenal movies then. Believe me they have shown much worse.


The film is actually pretty good for the low-budget flicks SciFi usually runs. And it's nice to see a flick that is not all Russians.

But it is especially nice to see Dichen Lachman as the heroine, running around in a bit of makeup, jewelry, and a leather bikini for most of the flick. She really is very stunning!


I agree with davide,watching her run around in a leather bikini was the only redeeming thing about this pile of sh*t.T & A to the rescue.
