
Anybody know if this is going to be released this year?.There`s been almost no news about it and the Fall festivals are just round the corner.


It just got selected at Toronto Film Festival! Yay 


👏Great news.


Roons' has got 3 films at TIFF. Una, The Secret Scripture and Lion. Girl's on fire! 


Will this film show up at Telluride? It's being listed as a "Canadian Premiere" according to the TIFF website, listed here : http://tiff.net/films/una/


Yes there's a real good chance it could happen. But don't get your hopes up 


I'm very interested in Una, The Secret Scripture


Hey guys, Now that we have a separate thread for Una, I'll just post any Una related news here.

Jeff Wells put out a list of 20 films that are going to Telluride and Una is among them.

I ran these titles by a guy who knows stuff, and he had no arguments with these being likely Telluride titles.

Arrival, d: Denis Villeneuve
Bleed For This, d: Ben Younger
The B-Side, d: Errol Morris
Defying the Nazis, d: Ken Burns
Fire at Sea, d: Gianfranco Rosi
Frantz, d: Francois Ozon
Graduation, d: Cristian Mungiu
Into the Inferno, d: Werner Herzog
Journey Through French Cinema, d: Bertrand Tavernier
La La Land, d: Damian Chazelle
Manchester By The Sea, d: Kenneth Lonergan
Maudie, d: Aisling Walsh
Moonlight, d: Barry Jenkins
Neruda, d: Pablo Larrain
Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer, d: Joseph Cedar
The Red Turtle, d: Michael Dudok De Witt
Toni Erdmann, d: Maren Ade
Una, d: Benedict Andrews
Wakefield, d: Robin Swicord
Things to Come, d: Mia Hanse Love




Great line up.Una is the one I`m most curious to hear about though.I saw the play it`s based on (Blackbird),a while ago and it was excellent.Really hoping the film is too.
