Once and for all

Is her last name pronounced "Mare-uh" or "Mahr-uh"? I haven't heard Rooney say her own name but her sister Kate says "Mare-uh." They are, of course, both entitled to pronounce the name however they desire; does Rooney pronounce it differently?
I referred to her as Rooney Mare-uh and was told by a friend that he's heard her say her own name as "Mahr-uh."
Are you watching closely?


"Mahr-uh" is generally the way Rooney pronounces it; but, when asked the question, she said something alone the lines of, "whatever comes out." So I guess she doesn't care :P


The cinematographer of carol pronounced the name as "Maar" on the bluray extras.


I was at an event with her yesterday and the moderator pronounced it "Mare-uh" which I thought was wrong. But she didn't seem perturbed so he probably got the correct pronunciation ahead of time either from her or other sources.
