MovieChat Forums > Mia Wasikowska Discussion > Mia steering away from acting?

Mia steering away from acting?

In an interview with a Brazilian publication during the CP premiere in London, Mia described herself as "lazy" like "a grandma," and hating to travel. "I'm happy with my simple life and I am not so ambitious." She pretty much confirmed she's not doing HHHH by saying that she had nothing lined up after Alice in Wonderland, nor is she currently looking for scripts.

This was kind of surprising to read, to be honest. It's actually made me entertain the thought that she's losing interest in acting, and it'll be a sad day if that's indeed the case. What do you think?

Source: (and Google Translate)

You four-eyed psycho.


Perhaps being contractually obligated to appear in the Alice sequel, which will undoubtedly be terrible like the first film, has caused her to temporarily lose interest in looking for new projects. I hope she doesn't stop acting but in the end it's entirely her decision.


I don't think Mia is the type to crave celebrity status as an actress. Just watching her interviews she is so shy and modest that I just can't picture her filling her resume with blockbuster after blockbuster.

She seems the type who prefers smaller roles in smaller films, so I'm not surprised that she doesn't have anything lined up at the moment other then Alice in Wonderland which is her one big blockbuster franchise...after all Hollywood is currently in a superhero/action movie craze right now.

She's probably just waiting for something more interesting to come her way.


That would be tragic if she backed away from acting...I hope she doesn't go down the Hollywood blockbuster's complete 5hite down that way and besides I think she's intelligent enough not to.....would much rather see her in smaller independant movies.
