MovieChat Forums > Taylor Kitsch Discussion > He was supposed to be the next big thing

He was supposed to be the next big thing

But he didn't really have the tools needed to make it big in Hollywood. Also has no charisma.


He was phenomenal in "Waco." I guess charisma is all a matter of opinion. How much of his work have you seen?


He really took a hit for the failure of "John Carter", I don't know why. It wasn't his fault.

Seriously, Hollywood has been very cruel to actors in recent years, building them up with huge hype and dropping them the instant they fail to produce big bucks. It's only going to get worse with the pandemic closing so many movie theaters, film actors aren't even going to get second chances.


It was the Carter/Battleshit one two punch that killed his leading man career




Leading actors used to be allowed 3-4 flops, before they stopped getting offers.

I guess it's two these days, or one if the flop is really big.


His hairline receded faster than his career.
