MovieChat Forums > Robbie Amell Discussion > His listed height is incorrect.

His listed height is incorrect.

IMDB lists his height at 6'2 and if you look around the net, you'll get 6'0 or 6'2. But look at this pics of Robbie and Stephen Amell. Stephen is 6'1, but is noticeably taller than Robbie. 5404681_2068930639_n.jpg

He can't be any taller than 5'10.


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Yes, he's 5'10"! IMDB need to change that, also he's shorter than Revenge Co-star's Josh Bowman (6') !!!!!!


I would say around about 5'10.75/1m80, since he is seen shorter than a lot of people who are 6ft or 6'1.


Modern actors, if they are below 6ft., seem SO insecure about their true height.
Not surprised that RA is possibly less than 6ft. Mark Wahlberg's height on these boards has yo-yo'd from 5ft 8ins to 9ins to 7ins then back to 8ins., as similarly, Taylor Lautner, Ryan Phillippe's and quite a few others too.

Guys, it doesn't matter, ok!!!

I knew a British tv actor a very few years ago who can't have been more than 5ft 9ns (I stood next to him) and his height is shown in IMDb as 5ft 11ins! No way!

If Robbie's agents ever read these posts, c'mon we are all grown adults (well, mostly)so just give the guy's true height. We will still like him and he will still get roles ; talent will out!


I would say Robbie is about 5'9 or 5'10 i just saw the tomorrow people and he was standing next to one of his costars luke mitchell who is listed as 6'1 and is taller than robbie. Its funny Robbies character is said to be 6'2 when hes being looked up


I hope you have all noted his height on this board has been corrected to 6ft, from a previous 6ft 2ins.


And now it's 5ft 11''

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