MovieChat Forums > Nancy Pelosi Discussion > I'm afraid that the Botox ® in Nanny's ...

I'm afraid that the Botox ® in Nanny's face has seeped into her brain.



You sound really bitter because she kneecapped your orange idol. 😅


It's going to be a difficult next two years for Trump and his supporters.



She couldn't handicap an actual orange.



Nice one. You posted just a single emoji but that was enough to get some long responses from the angry and frustrated lefties.

6 more years.


Nice one. You posted just a single emoji but that was enough to get some long responses from the angry and frustrated lefties.

Aw, I just threw that out there to see how many idiots would respond. They took the bait! The Dems are good at dishing it out, but they can't take it. 😜

By the way, I'm not strictly a Trump supporter. I think both sides of the aisle are disgusting, the way they are carrying on.

They're more interested in getting their own way and finding dirt on one another, than they are in running the business of the country. There's enough blame to go around.

Can ANY clear-thinking person really deny that?




I'm so sorry you are triggered by Pelosi saving $5 billion to reopen the government.


I'm so sorry you prefer that in lieu of SEALED BORDERS!
