MovieChat Forums > Nancy Pelosi Discussion > Thank You For Humiliating And Crushing T...

Thank You For Humiliating And Crushing Trump+Republicans

Even though it's a short-lived victory, your voting base DESPERATELY needed to see their own elected leaders stand up and crush these evil evil evil evil evil Republicans.


After watching that fool Paul Ryan cower and bend for the past two years, it was refreshing to see Nancy take no nonsense and stand tall.


Trump is still the President. #TRUMPWINNING


* still

Trump is winning lots and lots of emoluments and tax breaks for himself and his rich friends.



Enjoy whining for 6 more years. #SNOWFLAKESLOSING


You can't be a real DEM. DEMs don't believe in evil.


I've been watching this, Trump is giving one hell of a speech, he has done exactly what he should have done, rub his many accomplishments in the democrats America hating faces, however what is really gonna stand out after all of this will be Pelosi's disgusting histrionics behind him. She has disgraced the nation with her ugly faces and lip synching.

She represents the modern America-hating Democrat.


He's a compulsive liar. That's all he does - lie and lie some more - and all the sycophants eat it up like a mob at a dictator's rally. Pitiful.


They're all liars.


LOL, yeah she sure got him alright, he's still her president ha.


Yes...she just "CRUSHED" him and the GOP.

Tearing up that speech insured the Dems will reign for eternity.


It was a clear loss....nothing thankful was a waste of time and money.

And only weakened the democratic party.

Major democratic voters are antifa, LGBTQ, BLM, illegal aliens, muslims, hollyweird.

You people think regular folks want these peope to pick the next president?


OH hell. Say "evil" a few more times. No one will take you seriously unless you say that word ten times. That's how E V I L works.
