

this bitch looks like she cuts infants open by the heart and drinks their blood, no wonder she got kicked out of the church


According to Church Law, he is correct.

Because she supports abortion, which the Church does not, for to her to receive communion would be a "sin of scandal," in which people feel, "'if she doesn't have to follow the rules, why should I?" It, in fact, causes people to turn away from their faith.

Same is true for Uncle Joe.

Another example of "scandal" would be your priest having sexual relations -- and everyone knowing about it. They took a vow of celibacy. "So why should I follow the Rules of the Church?"

But, Nanny is quite fine with "rules for thee, but not for me." 🙄


People don't support abortion. We choose a woman's autonomous right to control their own bodies.


Yet you don’t support the right to control your own body when it comes to vaccinations. Also does the baby get a right to choose what to do with his body?


The issue is about the Rules of the Church, NOT what "people support."

If Nanny doesn't want to follow the rules, she should leave the Church. No one is holding her at gunpoint forcing her to stay.

This holds true for anyone. 🙄



I, frankly, don't care what the old fossil does; I'm just explaining the facts of the situation.



People don't support abortion. We choose a woman's autonomous right to control their own bodies.

By allowing them to abort a baby, something you don't support. Confused?


"strntz" has had too much Schnapps! 🍷🍸


A person can be pro-choice but not get an abortion if they are pregnant. I think that is the difference. I personally disagree with a lot of some of the pro-choice movement's stances but I do understand that one can be pro-choice but not pro-abortion.



She looks completely out of touch with reality. Which speaks volumes about her voter base.


She look and sounds like an old drunk to me.


Good, maybe the bitch will take this as a learning experience.


She doesn't care about the church. If there's a devil, she sold her soul to it many years ago.


"She doesn't care about the church."

Then, she should leave it, plain and simple.


Agree. After being embarrassed by the Church and essentially kicked out anyway, she's got nothing to lose. Besides, I'm sure she only went to church for the appearance of being somewhat moderate to the few moderates left in the Democrat party. Everyone knows by now what she's about.


She’s probably only a member so she doesn’t turn off the Christian vote, she’s a sick, demented bitch.


Being Catholic means that you're meant to be in a state of grace to receive Holy Communion.

If she is publically sinning she must stop and repent. That's the rules.
