MovieChat Forums > Ruth Wilson Discussion > Her acting in Luther

Her acting in Luther

HOLY *beep* She can act. The girl is straight up scary and unpredictable....but because of Ruth Wilson's acting you still have a soft spot for her and genuinely end up loving her. I'm unfamiliar with her other works but in Luther she does an INCREDIBLE job, her character is one of my favorite tv show characters ever.


Yep agree. Her character helped make Luther much more than it was on paper, which was all about this messed up detective.

It's also the role that helped launch her career outside the UK, which is great to see that a strong, cold hearted and villainous female character has made that much impact.

Luther the series would have been just another cop show without her. I do wonder what the plans are for the Alice character in the U.S. remake.



The role probably received critical acclaim because it's one of the few female characters on TV that aren't one dimensional, extremely predictable or stereotypically female. She is portrayed as a sick but intelligent human being rather than just a female or a woman. And she is not being made into some cliche love interest.

Why doesn't mainstream TV have more female characters that aren't annoying and actually make a male driven show much more interesting? Perhaps most writers just aren't intellectually equipped to create more of these characters.

You want to reduce misogyny and further true equality in society, well, start portraying women like Luther and Game of Thrones do in media, since the media is the main source of world view for new generations.

Portray them as people and human beings who hate, love, laugh, sh*t, eat, sleep, are lazy, industrious, mentally ill, mentally stable and everything inbetween.
Not cliche love interests, not damsels in distress, not walking boobs or almighty superheroines. Just make them into interesting human beings.


Just make them into interesting human beings.
As we are. But I don't want to see defaecation, thanks. 

If there aren't any skeletons in a man's closet, there's probably a Bertha in his attic.


I hate that I like her so much.


I'm fascinated by her crazy eyebrows. If I hadn't seen pictures of her in other roles with the same eyebrows, I'd think they manufactured them just for Alice Morgan.
