MovieChat Forums > Isabelle Fuhrman Discussion > Robbed at the 2010 Oscars

Robbed at the 2010 Oscars

Her performance as Esther in Orphan blew me away. Playing a 33 year old trapped in a 9 year old's body is obviously not as a easy as it sounds. Isabelle deserved at least a nomination for her role, because Esther is actually a complex challenging character. Isabelle pulled it off with great finesse.


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Although the twist didn't blow me away (it's already clear she's dangerous, regardless of true age)... her performance as Esther was excellent. Do they ever have roles like this nominated for Oscars?


yeah horrors rarely win oscars....linda blair from the exorcist probably should have won...same with jack nicholson in the shining


I liked Nicholson's performance too, but a lot felt it was too over the top. As for Blair, she didn't really do much. It wasn't her voice for most of the film.


Blair was nominated though and she lost out to an even younger actress...Tatum O'neal for Paper Moon


If Sissy Spacek didn't get it for her mind blowing performance as Carrie White.. There is no way this girl would get it.


It was a great performance.

Unfortunatley for her it's a Horror film (the academy rarely nominate films from the genre) and she was a child at the time (12 years old). How often do children get nominated let alone win?


Linda Blair
