MovieChat Forums > Sasha Grey Discussion > she is the reason why hordes of refugee ...

she is the reason why hordes of refugee men are heading to Euro + USA

why there is rape, and also killing and hatred

for women like her

they never give thought for the consequences of their actions


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I didn't say they were committing violence (though some are)

I said HORDES of them are coming to western countries, because of women like her and the footage they have produced

do the math idiot!


well rape happens, we all have to accept this

more men = more rape, that's simple math I'm afraid

I am NOT blaming women directly for their own rape, but I AM blaming women like Sasha Grey for the HORDES of men piling into Europe, USA, basically white countries. And you would do, unless the thought actually turns you on somewhat, which is also plausible possibility.
Pretty sure hordes of refugees are heading to Europe and the US because their homes have been bombed to *beep* their lives are at risk and they risk having their heads cut off by IS for the slightest infraction while their wives are turned into rape slaveswow idiot alert

keep drinking their kool-aid, there's a good girl


Your arguments are false. There are more bitches doing far worse scenes than her.


for women like her


Ok, I'll bite. What exactly is your point?

Because if you are saying the whole reason violent crimes and hatred exist is because of women like sasha, then you are retarded.

Or if you're saying the only reason refugees escape their war-filled countries is because of women like sasha, then you are equally retarded.


I'm retarded but you haven't offered any counter argument

a retard calling someone else a retard
