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When ambitious performers get old and used-up in porn and can't get the career perks anymore, they pull a publicity stunt to raise their shrinking retail value. Here Grey is simply trying to reset her market price. She and Cinnamon are probably out of heroin money again. This is not a real person and this is not a part of anyone's real life.


TMZ,reported that she filed a restraining order against him


TMZ (take it with a pinch of salt, TMZ are hardly reliable) also reported that she was "lured into porn" by him when he claimed he was a CIA agent and she could be his cover. If that's true, and she was dumb enough to buy it, and make up all that independent and empowered woman stuff, whatever small amount of respect people have for her would plummet. Then again, could be a publicity stunt because she's not getting the roles she wants and wishes to distance herself even further from the porn industry by playing the victim.

Valar morghulis


It could be a mingling of truth and hyperbole. Yeah, maybe he was abusive, so she blames him for getting her into porn by lying to an innocent girl too naïve to know he wasn't a CIA agent.


I heard that she is just a sex freak & got into porn willingly.


Gandolph_Lundgren wrote:
I heard that she is just a sex freak & got into porn willingly.

Hey, here's a theory. She did porn for the money. Duh.


I heard that she is just a sex freak & got into porn willingly.

I saw her on Tyra Banks show years ago when she herself said porn is what she wanted to do, so she got in touch with some porn agent (he was on the show too) and that's how it started.
