MovieChat Forums > Sasha Grey Discussion > Even her acting in porn is below-average...

Even her acting in porn is below-average!

IMHO, I don't even think she's a good actress in pornos (nor particularly sexually exciting). Then she tries to go mainstream? Are these people in Hollywood nuts?

And don't get me started on how they tried to make her seem all classy, moralistic, and intelligent on Entourage ("You read a book a week?"). Give me a break.


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I think that we're all fortunate to have a real expert on actresses working in porn advise the rest of us.

I feel we should take kinko's opinion seriously!

"Stupidity got us into this mess, why doesn't it get us out?" - Will Rogers


"Then she tries to go mainstream?"

Yes, 'tries' being the operative word there. She did try, and fail.
I suppose she should still get some credit for trying thou, poor girl.


how is hse different from half the actresses in hollywood that think they can act and want to be taking seriously as actresses even though they dress up as porn stars and or winde up on the couch as one
:In your heart of hearts you know perfectly well that movie stars aren't artists...


Well no one really watches a porn vid for the acting...

Ashmi any question


She wasn't in the type of porn films that have plots. It's just sex, and she was great at it. But an actress she is not.
