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Oh please, he said what most people who were watching were thinking which was that she was an ungrateful brat to Jessi-who was simply doing her freaking job by asking her those questions!!!! That is exactly why he said what he said. Stewart was rude plainly put and she deserved to be put in her place! (No matter how freaking talented the girl is) I totally agree with Lainey's ( take on what happened:

Twilight Bitchface!

See? And you know I love her for it!

Kristen has been promoting Adventureland. Promotion means junkets. Junkets consist of outlet after outlet filing in for 5 minute sessions asking questions about the movie to air on their respective programs. It's supposed to look like a real conversation in the most contrived of circumstances. There's literally a man with a stopwatch timing the journalist.

The point?

Making sure YOU want to see THEIR project. It's all for THEM.

So you would think, you would think they'd do their best to make a positive impression, right? Right?

Not always.

Oftentimes they suck sh-t. Oftentimes they're bored. Sometimes they can't be bothered to answer the same questions over and over again. And I get it. Totally. I’m sure it’s boring.

But it’s a few days in an otherwise privileged life. Suck it up.

The problem though is that many choose not to call these bitches out on their assness because the publicists end up punishing the outlets for it later. If they have to work with them on an upcoming press tour, and it’s a particularly high profile vehicle with high profile celebrities, they risk losing out on that opportunity as payback for telling the truth about their clients. This is why producers can’t take the risk. This is also why the MTV Aftershow rocks.

Full disclosure: the Aftershow is produced by MTV Canada starring Jessi Cruickshank and Dan Levy. Dan is a friend of mine. We all work together. But objectivity, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with why I love what happened the other day.

Jessi was sent on the Adventureland junket. She interviewed KStew and her costar and right now I’m too rushed to google his name, sorry. It’s been a f-cked up morning and I lost 2 hours in a screening and you want more posts so apologies to you, Mr Young Actor, if I can’t be bothered to look you up. This article isn’t about you.

It’s about Kristen Stewart’s bitchface.

As you can see from the clip –she’s not feeling Jessi’s questions. Which are very standard questions. They play a couple. They kiss. Kissing is part of acting. It’s part of the process. Doesn’t she want to talk about the process?

Evidently not. Instead, all she does it scowl. Amazing.

Jessi bravely moves forward. She decides – well, if I’m going down, I may as well go down hard. And so she brings up Robert Pattinson and Twilight. We already know KStew isn’t exactly in love with Twilight. And Jessi dared to remind her of Twilight. Another bitchface is delivered.

Back to Jessi and Dan. Dan decides to go off. And he’s allowed to. He doesn’t hold back. He is not at the mercy of any potential future threats. Instead, he says what you want to hear. He says what you are thinking:

That Kristen Stewart is ungrateful, rude, inconsiderate, and spoiled.

This doesn’t happen enough. But it happens on the Aftershow.

Love, love, LOVE the Aftershow.


I saw this episode of the aftershow. I completely agree with the people who are saying that Kristen Stewart was rude. She is going to be set for life from the Twilight movies, and it's her job to answer questions about them. Her attitude, and this doesn't just go for celebrities, but human beings in general, was ridiculous.If a person acted that way to me, whether they were famous, or some Joe walking down the street, I would be appalled, much like Dan was. It's general human decency to be polite to people AND it's an actors job to do interviews. The job doesn't end with filming a movie.. Promotion is as big as part of it as the actual movie is.
It would be ridiculous for Dan to get into any trouble over that comment. Jessie was doing her job, and Kristen's reactions/attitude was that of a spoiled teenager who needs to grow up. If you don't want to be recoginized for making blockbuster, money making movies, THEN DON'T MAKE THEM! Seriously.. Did she really believe that no one would be asking her questions about Robert?? So dumb. Jessie didn't ask personal questions about her dating life, or what she does during her off time.. She simply said Robert Pattinsen, and that was her reaction? Really?? Come on.
