Short little fella

A joke typical of modern Hollywood. Soft little pretty boys playing characters that should be played by real men.


He can always stand on a box for most of the scenes when he's not walking.


Yeah, his height isn't really important in moviemaking today. Or, really, in many years (Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson).

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


Please define what a 'real man' is. I'm dreadfully curious.

I am you and what I see is me.


Harrison Ford, clint Eastwood, kurt Russell, Costner etc all are six foot or more and look like they have life experience. Certainly no soft life. Or go back further with guys like coburn, Connery, garner etc if it was my decision I would've gone with Scott Eastwood


But Scott Eastwood himself is 5" shorter than his dad. Manly or not depends on what they're trying to do and maybe they're looking to do Teen Solo. However, on the issue of height, that can be a significant factor in a character's traits and with Harrison Ford, he registers on screen to be a tall man.

I think the difference with the Han Solo character is that he's been around for almost 30 years and has been heavily imprinted in people's minds with Harrison Ford, looks, mannerisms, physique and all. Audiences of James Bond, on the other hand, were weaned very early to accept different actors through the decades, to the point of having Daniel Craig, the most against type in the role, coming out with the highest grossing entries in the entire series and competing with Connery as the most popular Bond ever.


Hi superadoe,

I agree with your comments - People are so used to Harrison Ford that they don't realize Alden has been cast as Han Solo, not Ford. Alden is a talented young actor who will bring humor, nuance and acting chops to the character. I'm looking forward to seeing him in this role.


A real man isn't defined by physical attributes. I wasn't even born a male and even I know that.

I am you and what I see is me.


Kurt Russell is like 5' 10". He's not tall. He's average height.

Anyhow, what matters most is that Ford is half-Jewish and this actor is Jewish. What gives Han his charm is the same ironic disposition that you find in Jerry Seinfeld, David Duchovony, Jams Franco, and Robert Downey Jr. All also half-Jewish (Seinfeld is all Jewish).

the director knows that a non-Jew couldn't do Han.
