MovieChat Forums > Alden Ehrenreich Discussion > Are you f%$@ kidding me?????

Are you f%$@ kidding me?????

worst casting i have ever seen


... It begins

Heath was also to pretty for the Joker
Craig was too blonde for Bond
I'd continue but what's the point!? You guys have short memories


Yeah, they shouldn't have done this.


Anthony Ingruber should have had that role.


If he was casted, you'd have someone else saying "Are you f%$@ kidding me?????" about him being casted. That's the problem with whinny fan boys, they're fickle and sobbing like school girls every chance they get.


I don't know about this guy, but thank God they didn't cast Miles Teller.


I didn't complain about Heaths casting. I was happy an Aussie was portraying The Joker. I knew he was talented. But this Guy is not the 6 foot tall Han Solo we're looking for.  


I wanted Taron Eggerton for the role, but I will give this guy a chance still! The movie's not out for another two years...we will then see if the movie is any good or if it stinks to high heavens...

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


Ugh. If I hear this one more time I'm going to scream.

Have you ever heard a saying that goes "too on the nose"?

That's what the casting of this guy would be.

I bet you'd also like them to digitally put more dead celebrities in appliance commercials.

I think the guy they got is awesome, and come 2 years from now, you will too. Though you'll probably never admit it.
