MovieChat Forums > Alden Ehrenreich Discussion > I think they made a mistake, but...

I think they made a mistake, but...'s to hoping they can pull it off (they being the filmmakers and Ehrenreich).

A lot of people have already pointed out the 5 inch height difference between the two actors, which is substantial when you're talking about such an iconic character. Yes they can use camera tricks and different things to add height to him, but in the end he's a small fry version of Han.

I liked Ehrenreich in Hail, Ceasar! but I'm not sure how well he'll be able to portray Han. He has to do an impeccable job, or else be torn apart by the wolves because fans aren't going to give him an inch of wiggle room here.


Hi jonandshellie,

I think people forget Alden is playing a younger version of a fiction character, Han Solo, not the lead in the Harrison Ford Story. Although his casting seemed to upset older fans of the original series, As George Lucas once noted, many younger movie fans don't know the original three films and have only seen the more recent films.

Alden may not be tall but he's a nuanced actor who has worked with great directors. I've seen his interviews, he's a very level-headed young man. He should be fine.


I agree with digitaldiva. This isn't about an impersonation of Han Solo or of Harrison Ford. Until they give me reason not to trust their decision by casting him, I'll root for him just as the filmmakers and casting directors have done.

And for the record I'm an "older" fan who was ages 8, 11 and 14 back when the original trilogy was released and I think that Mr. Ehrenreich is a great choice to play the part.


Thanks, bard-21. I love the first two films of the original, didn't care for the next four. Alden is a tremendous talent who will make Han Solo his own.


They hit the nail on the head with Alden, whether or not making a non-Harrison Ford Han Solo movie is a good idea (lots of people have lots stronger feelings about that than I do).

The height difference isn't really a thing. Look at his performance in Hail, Caesar!. He's disarmingly good up against Ralph Feinnes in their scenes, and he has charm and looks to burn. I bet he can do action and drama brilliantly as well and that he'll make a hell of a sly dog.

Lord & Miller are directing, and with Alden in front of the camera they've got a real shot.


You sure about that? Don't predict before witnessing it with your own fat eyes...


I'm down with being skeptical, but all I said was they have a shot. It might be good, that's all. Don't be so quick to assume it won't be until you witness it with your own two fat eyes.
