MovieChat Forums > Alden Ehrenreich Discussion > Ladies and gentlemen,I see Alden!

Ladies and gentlemen,I see Alden!

My fellow Alden lovers,
Last night at Los Angeles landmark cinema,director and Alden showed up for the movie Tetro and although I don't have a chance to ask questions for Alden, surprisingly, when the movie is over, Alden didn't go away from the back door or any secret exit ,he just moves slowly with the audiences to the main exit.
I approaches him and reaches out my hand, I'm nervous. He is very friendly and polite, he shakes hands with me and answer every question of me.

Here they are:
Question: Is your last name a German name?

Alden: It's Austrian.
[Friends,I know there are historical and culture relations between Germany and Austria,like the Japanese's Chinese characters, Can you tell me something about it?]

Question: How do you complete your college course work when you are shooting this movie?

Alden:I begin to work on this movie while I'm in high school and do part of my college course work online.

And I shake hands with him,it's the first time I shake hands with a movie star,it's so exciting and he is very gentle.At the time he has something on his right hand,he shifts the load on his right hand to his left hand awkwardly and shakes hand with me graciously.

I hope I have the chance to see him again,I just want to get a job in New York and walking around the New York University campus and meet him again.


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So he's at NYU?

What is he majoring in?


He's at NYU Gallatin making his own major. It goes something like "The effects of black and white film on an audience" I'm not really too sure. He told me once in passing as we were acquaintances but I don't really remember.
