MovieChat Forums > Nicola Peltz Beckham Discussion > She is actually hotter and more talented...

She is actually hotter and more talented than a lot of popular actresses

Seriously, those hating on her make it look as if she is this no talent hack getting the spotlight in a sea of Mary Streeps; when as a matter of fact Nicola is actually more beautiful and a better actress than plenty of mainstream and popular actresses working today, to whit...

- Kristen Stewart
- Megan Fox
- Olivia Wilde
- Amber Heard
- Oddette Annable
- Gemma Arterton

etc...I guess all these actresses (and others) only get roles because of their billionaire daddies, right? I is only Nicola doing this, It can't possibly be because movie producers actually see something in her. All the actresses I mentioned aren't that good when it comes to acting, they are cute for sure and probably excepting Arterton and Stewart their cuteness is the main factor why they land roles. Sure they can act but it is hardly what shines about them. Nicola is more or less on the same zone even tho I'd say she is has more acting talent than them.


Except her first line in Transformers: AOE. :P


She's possibly more talented than Megan Fox. That's it.


Yeah, but man that one shot of her legs from behind! Hot!



A single day of freedom is worth more than a lifetime in chains ~ Grey Worm, Commander


That's not saying much.


She's absolutely stunning, such a beautiful face! I have noticed that a lot of mainstream popular actresses aren't that attractive and that a lot of not so well known actresses are really gorgeous. But Nicola is still quite young and she has time to get better roles and improve her career. It's weird how plain looking girls like Cara Delevingne are getting acting jobs though. I'd also like to add two more actresses to the list of "sizzling hot but not famous (yet)": Ryan Newman and Sammi Hanratty.


The fact that you said "Mary Streep"...


Olivia Wilde is better than all of those actress put togheter.
