MovieChat Forums > Nicola Peltz Beckham Discussion > Katana casting issues post elsewhere!

Katana casting issues post elsewhere!

Why are people posting here complaining of Last Air Bender casting? If this girl ever checks her IMDB area and sees some of these posts what is she to think? It's not this girl's fault, she just auditioned and got the part. For people championing morality you'd think you could show some common curtesy.

1. IMDB shouldn't really be a forum for the debate of race issues full stop
2. If you've got hang ups with this film's casting post on the Last Air Bender page not on hers.


It's Katara, not Katana. IMDB can be a debate of race issues if it has to do with the movie, which The Last Airbender seems to be about. Why else make the Water Tribe siblings lighter and the Fire Nation darker?

But I agree one hundred per cent that any gripes should be posted on the forum regarding the actual movie and not on Nicola's personal IMDB page. I hope this controversy doesn't hurt her too much. It's not her fault!


There are tons of posts regarding race on the last airbender movie forum, doesn't need any more

As for her seeing it, that would be awful, it's not her fault in the least she won a role she deserved.


If she's going to be an actress in this day and age, she's going to need to develop a thick skin to idiots on the internet. Hopefully if she comes to this page and reads any rude comments she'll realize that for the most part, people are stupid.

Having said that, the character of Katara calls for a non-caucasian actress. We'll have to wait an see if she manages to capture the innocence but fierce strength of Katara that's portrayed in the first season of the show.


Of all the things that is wrong with the Last Airbender I find it hilarious yet sad that people choose one of the most insignificant things to complain about here.
