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Nicola is much better than Kristen


It's hard to get much worse than Kristen. I haven't even seen her but I'm sure Nicola's better.


Ok, she sucked in The Last Airbender, but in Bates Motel, her acting is great. Even if she's playing a character that you can't help but hate, at least she's enjoyable to hate.
Not shabby looking either ;)


Noooooooorman, I'm depressed.
Nooorman!!!! I'm happy
NORMAN!!! I'm angry

Her range in Bates Motel


Kristen is a good actress a little behind JLAW and Shailene,If you are calling her a bad actress because of twilight then you should watch some more her movies,like I said she is a good actress

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger
