MovieChat Forums > Alicia Vikander Discussion > Does she take her clothes off in every m...

Does she take her clothes off in every movie she is in???

Even in PG-13 rated THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. she flashes her butt. Not that I'm complaining, just curious...


God, I hope so!


Doeh she´s from Sweden offcourse she pretty much always take her clothes off. The directors not even have to ask or write that *beep* in the script she does it anyways the swedish way... Or wait its not 1980 anymore or that is just like a myth.


Actually, I think that's a great question due to the discussion points it can trigger:
1. Swedish actresses historically have been rather open about nudity. Another current example would be Noomi Rapace (eg., Swedish version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
2. Full frontal female nudity (when compared with 1970's to 1990's) from American actresses from American directors by U.S.-based studios has become rare. A24 is British, as is director Alex Garland. Btw, breast nudity is not rare, but now entirely limited to the R rating. Reasons have been much discussed on the imdb message boards.
3. There is much nudity in real life, so one would surmise that roles may very well include realistic
depictions may include this element. Perhaps this is a reason why award winners (female and male) have been depicted in varying degrees of undress.


Let me rephrase (ghosh my last answer got wordy). Just see the 2006 indie film Cashback, and reference a scene with an exha

reply student from Sweden. Beautifully done, and perfectly in character with this theme.


Shhh.. Don't jinx it


She's got a great behind. So I don't mind her showing it off in every movie. LOL :D I'm sorry if this offends or it's considered rude, but she's very *beep* I don't say that often about women I don't know, but I wouldn't mind a one night stand with her. Not that I would have a shot, but a guy can dream. :)


she has the smallest boobs in the world.i don't get horny watching her naked . lol
