MovieChat Forums > Jai Courtney Discussion > Old school type of actor

Old school type of actor

Jai is no Russel Crowe or Hugh Jackman. He'll probably never win huge accolades as an actor, or even be considered to be a great actor, but that doesn't mean he is a bad one. Jai is the sort of old school type action star. You don't watch his films for performances, specifically, you watch them because they're entertainmenting and fun. And that's clearly what's he's going for. As you can tell by his choice of work.


As you can tell by his choice of work.

You mean choices as Felony, The Water Diviner, Unbroken, Kaiser's last Kiss and God's Four ??

I think he knows he's maybe physically more "suited" for action flicks seems it doesn't stop him to do other kind of movies.

I used to have super powers, but my therapist took them away


No. I mean the choices of Spartacus, Jack Reacher, A Good Day To Die Hard, Divergent, Insurgent, I, Frankenstein, Terminator Genysis, Man Down, and Suicide Squad. 10 roles of the 18 credits he has, including a short film, 2 seperate episodes of 2 seperate television shows, as well as a minor role in an indy film. And his drama roles include a tiny role in Unbroken, smallish part in The Water Diviner, and lastly the exception of Felony. I'm not wrong. I'm glad he's scored two seemed-to-be main roles in projects that actually look quite interesting, but he clearly loves doing action type films, but I don't think that's going to change up earning that kind of salary & popularity.
