MovieChat Forums > Lewis Hamilton Discussion > Now hates old people

Lewis enjoyed 8 straight years of driving the very best car in Formula 1, so he won 8 World Championships. This kind of thing has happened before, like with Jensen Button having a car with the best and only tech of its kind. Now Hamilton is getting his ass handed to him by his Mercedes team mate and, more so, by Max Verstappen. Hamilton’s day is done. He’s 37 years old, in a sport that demands light-speed reflexes. He is branching out into fashion, music and film. I doubt the long future is bright for him. What makes me sneer and chuckle, in the context of this topic, is his demand that Mercedes-Benz write “End Racism” on their F1 cars, as if that would do any kind of good. “Hey, Mommy! We have to end racism!” “Okay, sweetly.”

The guy is a good driver, though currently VASTLY overestimated, in no small part because he is black and overlooking the fact that his entire career development, starting with go-karts, was esponsored by MERCEDES FUCKING BENZ. He is no social engineer, scholar, rocket scientist or brain surgeon. He’s a guy who drives a F1 car. Who gives a fuck about what he thinks that he thinks?


He's a terrible creature. Arrogant, narcissistic, and a complete jerk-off. It's mind-boggling he supposedly has any fans.


Agree completely. Whenever I see something positive said about him I'm stunned.
