MovieChat Forums > Deborah Ann Woll Discussion > Her acting on Daredevil....

Her acting on Daredevil....

I find her acting on the show cringeworthy... I really liked her on True Blood but there is something very forced about her line delivery on DD. She also Always seems to be on the verge of tears, it's a very strange choice.


Yeah! Awful! Like a drama student hamming it up!


completely agree. awful actress, terrible job on DD. not a big fan of her blonde look either.


I find her really irritating too. Her silly head movements, hands failing about and whenever she speaks, it's like she can't take a breath.

Worst acting.


Yes! Her voice is always shaky like she's about to cry at any given moment. She was the most irritating character.


I liked her in season one but she was rage inducing in season two; I was hoping they would kill her off every friggin' episode.


100% right, actually I wanted to create a topic to say "she plays like a drama student" then I saw your comment.


I got so mad watching her crappy acting in Daredevil that I just had to paus the show and cool down. Thank god I'm not the only one who finds her acting awful. I want to smash my tv screen every time they show her character.


I thought it was just me! Her acting really annoyed me the most in DD. It seems really forceful and not natural.
