MovieChat Forums > Lily Collins Discussion > Lily should play Scarlett Witch in the n...

Lily should play Scarlett Witch in the next X Men movie

I think Lily would be a good choice

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


Isn't Elizabeth Olsen playing Scarlett Witch in Avengers? I doubt they would have Scarlett Witch in X Men and I don't think it's the best role for her.

The best things are last


Yeah Scarlett Witch is in the Avengers movie yes,but both Fox and Marvel share that character as well as Quicksilver,who was in the recent X Men Movie(played by Evan Peters) and is going to appear in the avengers 2 (played b Aaron Johnson)

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


I'm not sure if the studios/casting would be go with someone like Lily. Don't get me wrong - I think the girl is gorgeous to boot and really charming, but she is yet to prove herself as an actress. I think her most noteworthy performance was in The Blind Side… but she only had a minor role. Not the best display of her acting chops. Critics also gave her some praise in Stuck In Love.

Given that Marvel has already cast Elizabeth Olsen in Avengers: Age of Ultron, you can assume that Fox will want to cast someone who has on-par/better acting chops - I think most would agree that Olsen has proven herself to be a fantastic actress with great range. People are already making comparisons between Evan Peters/Aaron Taylor-Johnson (i.e. Quicksilver)… and AOU hasn't even come out yet! Lily is by no means a terrible actress but she has a long way to go. I just don't see Fox hedging their bets when it comes to such a major franchise.


Tatum is playing Gambit he is not the best actor out therev he is good but he still needs to work on his acting. Lookwise I think Lily would be perfect

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


Tatum is playing Gambit he is not the best actor out there is good but he still needs to work on his acting. Lookwise I think Lily would be perfect
You make a good point! That being said, I think Channing Tatum has greater star power than Collins. Although I will concede that she has the right look.

I was actually really surprised when they cast Tatum as Gambit. I'm hoping we will get a gist of what he's capable of (acting-wise) when they release Jupiter Ascending. For the record, I have a feeling this is gonna be a stinker as it's been pushed back to a January/February release date… but who knows?
