The Flash is gay

Huh. I don't know about that.

i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now


Yeah, unfortunately. We know.

dies ist meine unterschrift


Yes, Queer Flash!


Ezra isn't gay though.


Not what I heard.


He identifies himself as queer but he's had relationships with women


Will they make him gay? That would be cool


Honestly, who knows what he is? He came out as "queer" and said he's "open-minded" about his sexuality. Beyond that, like most of these bi/queer/fluid/etc identifying men, he's been pretty evasive about who he actually is. I'm doubting he has any real sexual attraction to men. It seems like he's a heterosexual with an extremely convoluted ego and maybe has developed certain fetishes/perversions. (He may like to "play gay" because he likes to feel like a woman sometimes and likes being worshiped by men on occasion). And of course, now that he's gotten more mainstream his look as become less fem.

I'm kinda over these types of guys. Science and research and conversations with these types of men continue to support the idea that they don't have real sexual attraction to men and women. Beyond that, if you're gonna date the opposite sex your whole life, if you're not gonna embrace the idea of gay love and gay commitment there's really no point of coming out as anything. Just be honest about exactly who you are, your attractions, your fetishes and your romantic instincts. Because, otherwise, you just end up sounding like you're trying to hop on the LGBTQ bandwagon to be "cool" and "subversive", or that you're using men for sex while retaining hetero dynamics in your romantic and public life, or that you're a gay man contending with internalized homophobia.


It doesn't really matter if he's gay or straight or whatever though. I think it's none of our business


If that was true, we wouldn't know one way or the other, but they make it out business.
