MovieChat Forums > Ezra Miller Discussion > Parents of 18-Year-Old Claim Flash’s Ezr...

Parents of 18-Year-Old Claim Flash’s Ezra Miller Took Control of Daughter, Supplied Alcohol, Marijuana, LSD


Hear that sound? It's the sound of the last nail going into his career's coffin!

Read about that, and whether he's helping out an abused kid or creeping on a girl he's known since she was 12... if he encouraged or abetted her dropping out of school then he is NOT acting in her best interests.



Did you bother to read the whole thing? Apparently the parents had no problem allowing their underage girl to fly to a foreign country to be with him. Doesn't really sound like sound parenting to me. So for them to now be yapping like scalded dogs when she is 18 and legally an adult is really pathetic.

She is an adult. Like it or not when a kid turns 18 they can do lots of things the parents don't approve of but it is no longer the right of the parents to make those decisions. If he was grooming her when she was 12 then clearly mom and dad were helping him do it. What does that say about them?


Apparently the parents are invoking a tribal law, that does have legal force. Don't ask me about the particulars, I'm not a legal expert!

As to the wisdom of doing so, well, Miller seems to have been spiraling downhill for the last year or two, with arrests and everything, and he's gone from being the guy who paid for the girl's schooling to being the guy that helped her drop out of school. IMHO the parents have every right to fear for their daughter.


Not sure a tribal court's ruling has any teeth once you leave the reservation which is probably why they haven't gone back to that area.


Like I said I'm no legal expert, but someone else said that the law applies to tribal members away from the rez. Feel free to do some research, I can't be arsed.

But if I knew that girl, I'd be very worried about her staying with someone that unstable.


I did a quick bit of research and it is a state by state thing on most tribal order. There is a federal law in 1994 the Violence Against Women Act that said tribal orders in domestic abuse cases "should" be upheld out side of reservations... but even then the word "should" was used so it wasn't something that "has" to be upheld. Since then some states like Oregon have passed state laws that dictate that tribal order regarding child support from a tribal court will be enforced by the state outside of the reservations... But it appears each state decides on its own which tribal laws they will enforce and which ones they won't. Seeing that Miller was last seen in Hawaii which has no indian reservations, the odds of them having any laws on it are probably zero.

And yes he does seem to be unhinged. And parents should be worried... but her parents seem pretty fucked up as well since they would have had to sign off her going out of the country to be with him when he was in the UK. Hell even when my daughter went on school trip that took them out of the country both my wife and I had to sign forms to allow them to leave the US because federal laws require airlines to take extra steps to avoid minors getting taken out of the country. The one that is fucked in this situation is the girl that has wack job parents and is now hooked up with a wack job boyfriend.


It's insane how rapidly things spiraled out of control with him.


Why are her parents letting their underage daughter befriend a man in his 20s? I'm not blaming the victim, it's just common sense that you don't let your underage child hang out with idiots that are way older than them. A 12 year old girl hanging out with a man in his 20s is basically asking for trouble in many ways more than one.


A fair point. Looks like it came to that after all, unfortunately.


Ezra is sorry
