
I think he would make a good Kyle Reese.


So disappointed with who they cast when Claflin is RIGHT THERE. Looks like an updated version of Michael Biehn, can play angsty survival very well, is hot and up and coming, isn't some big meathead who spent his life dining on steaks...

You can tell just watching him as Finnick that he would have knocked it out of the park.

Instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.
- Marla


I absolutely agree, after watching him in Catching fire. I too thought he would have been a terrific choice for Kyle Reese. Hence the reason I came on here! Very disappointing they chose that no talent meathead jerk.. but frankly the Terminator franchise went down hill when Terminator 3 was dreamt up. Looks like it's just going to keep on going down.


All throughout watching Catching Fire, I kept thinking how much he reminded me of a young Michael Biehn. Absolutely.


Yes-- I've been saying the exact same thing!

I watched "Terminator" after being familiar with Sam, and I swear, it was like I was watching him. Michael not only looked like Sam, but he had some of the same mannerisms. Crazy.


He *is* Michael Biehn with a time machine! :-)

Such a shame he isn't in the Terminator re-boot.

Hi!! I'm a shouty man!!!


Well, he's a dead ringer for him anyway, that's what I thought when I watched catching fire. Even his smile is similar.


Just got finished with Catching Fire and was about to make the same thread! He gave me serious Kyle vibes during the movie. While looks aren't all that makes a character I do believe visual style and feel are very important and the guy they've picked for Kyle in the new one just doesn't work for me. Looking at images of every Kyle there's been in (T1&2, Salvation, SCC) they all have a similar look too them, they all look the part. The guy from Die Hard 5 doesn't look like a Kyle Reece to me, whereas all the ones that have come before and even this guy from Catching Fire do.


Just came back from Mockingjay part 1 and just had to see who is this guy who looks and sounds like Michael Biehn! I thought it was his son :D

Sid *Yer so utterly pathetic, Sid, absolutely pathetic. You should be in the fking Rolling Stones!*
