MovieChat Forums > James Norton Discussion > Happy Valley piques my interest (and pea...

Happy Valley piques my interest (and peaks something else!!!!!)

First, I must say there are a lot of hotties in that first series, from the younger male leads (as well as the oh-so yummy 40-something Derek Riddell) to the walk-on cops and chavs.

Second, James is glorious. The British equivalent of all-American good looks if there were such a thing (all-Brit? all-Commonwealth?). But you know: sporty, preppy, WASPy, Aryan poster boy.

He bears something of a resemblance (perhaps a slightly pouty pretty-boy version) to the very sexy Mark Valley---now there's a happy Valley for his lustful fans, though he's getting on in years.



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Psycho Rapist Murderer. Sex symbols come in all packages....

I guess.


Acch, please. You've extolled his looks elsewhere on the boards. has nothing to do with the character, lol.

It's the actor. Producers like casting hot fellas in villainous roles. According to the theory that many serial killers are seductive figures, among other reasons.

Another case in point, the ridiculously hot Jamie Dornan in The Fall. Who wouldn't want him? And who wouldn't be pissed off at his character when he teases the poor h0rny teenage virgin Katie, stripping to his boxer briefs then clothing himself again? If I were Katie, I would have blackmailed him into sex. Again, nothing to do with the character, Just based on the utter studliness of the actor.

Curious about your flip reply, I found there actually are sites that rank the hotness of famed serial killers (many of whom -- scary to relate -- had scads of tweener fangirls!!!) Rather questionable taste. But, well, if you're simply objectifying and fantasizing based on looks....


I guess I can't separate looks from character. An evil character like Tommy Lee is just not sexy to me, even played by JN.

Ranking the hotness of famed serial killers? This seems perverse to me. But some people are excited by S & M fantasies.

Some people (Germans) thought Hitler was a hotty with his sexy mustache. But even if Adolph had looked like JN, I would have found him repulsive.


Agreed. I found the ranking fascinating but utterly perverse. And even if I did think Hitler a hottie... no way. And Adolf certainly wasn't. Which just goes to show that many people are turned on by power. Which is arguably how the Trumps (and just to be equal opportunity, Clintons) of the world get away with............

But in fictional productions, I can certainly divorce the actor from the character. And perhaps even fantasize about a little roughhousing (albeit nothing to the degree depicted in these shows!!!!!!!!!)


And, Tommy Lee may be viewed differently if you had seen JN in Grantchester and his many other benign roles.


This dude looks like a giant on Happy Valley. Has to duck under doors and he towers over all the other male actors. Came here to check height; turns out he's only 6 foot 1. I'm so confused! British people must be pretty short.
