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Kamala predicts loss for Democrats in 2022 and 2024

She knows they are doomed.


after the results on Tues, I have to agree. Murphy's "win" was hardly a victory. Unless the Dems lie, cheat, and steal, which is always possible, I see a massacre in the mid-terms, and they know it.


They should lie, cheat and steal - because that's how Republicans are winning already.


Sources? Yeah... Thought so.


Are you kidding? Guess people already forgot about Al Gore. About Stacy Abrams loss in Georgia? How Trump's team got help from Russia (via Facebook). Or how one Democrat was able to collect Texas fee for reporting voter fraud - by a Republican voter! Then there is the Gerrymandering to win by a minority, in Wisconsin and Michigan for example. That's the stealing and cheating combined, I give you that.

The lies? Too many to count, but how about that caravan of illegal immigrants in 2018 that never arrived? Or how Barack Obama wasn't an American but a muslim socialist? That dead people voted (instead of checking that names can double, people move or spelling errors). How about death panels (never existed, which is quite ironic, since the GOP response to Covid-19 was to let people die instead of helping them). How about one of the greatest lie for 40 years, the one that keeps their base voting = trickle down economics. Republicans are terrible at spending and balancing the budget, yet call themselves the "fiscally responsible" party.

I could lists hundreds of sources for all of that - you wont read them anyway, so why bother?


Not following the news huh? All that Russia bullshit has been proved fake news and arrests have started.


no point, they're already brainwashed.


So what you're saying is you're anti democracy if you think they should lie, cheat and steal?


No, I am making a sarcastic remark as an answer to a ridiculous comment by Stones78.

But sure, go ahead and twist my words, in true Republican fashion, thus turning my sarcasm into truth.


Feel free to try and say I'm twisting your words but meanwhile in reality, if you want someone to lie, cheat and steal their way to a win, that means they don't care about the will of the people and therefore, are anti democracy.


Yes, that is a reality - set in motion by Republicans. So, are you accusing me of wanting the same thing for Democrats that is already working for Republicans? I am truly confused here, because a) you don't understand sarcasm and b) you try to argue for or against these methods?




So you're saying you genuinely think there is widespread voter fraud taking place that is impacting election results to the benefit of Republicans, despite the numerous calls for audits?


No, I am saying there is widespread voter oppression benefitting the Republicans. Voter fraud is a myth heralded by the GOP to rile up their fearful base.


lol. OK.


He thinks being asked to present a valid ID is "voter oppression". Another smug white Liberal who thinks minorities are too poor and ignorant to know how to get ID.

I wonder if he would think that being required to show ID before buying a gun is "oppressive", too?


I'd love to sit down, face to face with one of these nutters and try and get them to work it through in their brain and see them eventually realise how incredibly racist their arguments are.

How does one even live without an ID anyway? I guess maybe if you're content with slumming in some shithole spending all day doing drugs, falling asleep then waking up and doing it all over again?

You need an ID to buy alcohol, rent/drive/register a car, buy tobacco, open a bank account, get on a plane, get a job, buy a mobile phone, rent/buy a house/apply for a mortgage, get married, rent a hotel room. I'm sure numerous other things too.


If what leftists seem to imply--that POCs are too ignorant to know how to get ID--then maybe such dumb people shouldn't be voting anyway.


Chances are President Joe Biden won't complete his term and she will become the first black female President Kamala Harris and once she shows how great a president she can be she will win easily in 2024 and again in 2028. She just might be the president America needs right now.


Kamala can answer that opinion best herself.


God forbid, you think cancel culture/wokeism is bad now...just wait for her. Now she's black, I see. You never heard how Obama was half-white.


Democrats always use these vaguely black privileged people like Obama and Harris with little to no experience of the true African-American way of life and present them as representatives of the black community. Republican black politicians generally come from the true African-American experience, are the descendants of slaves, work their way out of poverty, etc. The Democrats then call these black politicians "White Supremacists."


These Dem pols are doing the blacks no favors at all; it's like they have to baby sit them and not let them do things on their own. Do you really think these pols want the blacks to better themselves? Probably not, b/c they may realize they don't need big gov't anymore.


Democrats are still keeping the black population chained up on the plantation, but the crop now is votes instead of cotton.


Bingo. And instead of whips, they use insults and mockery. "Oh, you're a black Republican? Hahahaha. You piece of shit. The Democrats are the party for blacks. The Republicans are so racist. Why would you side with them? Look everyone, we have a black Republican over here lolololol"

Instead of chains they use damaging legislature and intentionally poorly thought out welfare programs to keep them in generational poverty to keep them voting Democrat hoping for whatever crumb the Democrats might throw their way. Maybe one day they'll get that change they're promised every four years. What will it take for them to see through them? All black people are to the democrats is a vote cow.


Indeed! And whenever it's election year, the Leftist media latches onto a black criminal killed resisting arrest and turns it into a "civil rights" issue. The whole George Floyd movement was nothing more than an excuse to riot and try to make the Trump government look bad before the election. How many black criminals have been killed since Biden was elected and you don't hear ONE story from the news about it. Where have all the white Liberal BLM supporters gone now that Biden is in power?
