MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > The way women are talked about on these ...

The way women are talked about on these boards is DISGUSTING

I know you feel free to be terrible people on this site because it's anonymous but it speaks to the kind of quality human being you are.


This woman is a Fuckinh whore, how we speak has nothing to do with what kind of people we are. But the amount of cocks this pig has sucked speake volumes about her and liberals.




Her entire career exists because she was Willie Browns whore.

Any questions?


What's wrong with sucking cock?
Dont you want your cock sucked?


I would be a little annoyed if I did not get a job i wanted because some whore sucked the bosses cock.


Get use to it. Someone is always sucking the bosses cock. In one way or another.


Mmm, no. Someone cheats, and screws someone else who deserves it more, they deserve to be talked shit about. The more the better.


Mmm, no. Someone cheats, and screws someone else who deserves it more

So, you want to be the one sucking the boss's cock.


Seriously? YOu are attacking me because I am against a woman getting a job because she sucked the bosses dick?

You support that behavior?


*Boss's. It's the possessive. Not plural.


Once a whore, always a whore.


I didn't ask about your profession.


Your playing stupid is better than most libs. My point stands. A woman getting a job over other more qualified candidates because she sucked the bosses dick, is morally and legally wrong.


My boss actually had his cock blown off in Vietnam, so it’s not really the same thing.


You mean you wanted to suck it?


Is that an offer?


A legit question.
Staying with the op's theme..
Hemingway said women only have two choices - you're either a bitch or a whore. And that you might as well be a whore because they ar least have more fun.
Generally the thinking round here. Except for the fun part.


I don't consider them either unless its warranted, same with men. Bitches and whores come in both sexes.


Like Ernest Hemingway knew so much about women.

Quick: tell me who remembers Ernest Hemingway today.


"Like Ernest Hemingway knew so much about women.

Quick: tell me who remembers Ernest Hemingway today.

The world will never forget Ernest Hemingway.

And Kane, you obviously remember him, since you know all about him and how much he knew about women. ;)


If you want your cock sucked & you have enough money, Melanoma Tramp is the high priced whore for you. Any bitch that could stand being close to Fat Donnie could probably stomach giving you a knob job.


I have no idea who Melanoma Tramp is.


That would be Fat Donnie Trump's whore wife.


Enjoy 5th grade.


Ha ha! That would be a higher education level than you obtained.
When Fat Donnie said "drain the swamp," he was referring to Melania's uterus.


I see you took time out from playing Legos to respond.


The correct word is “attained,” which means “earned.” “Obtained” means “bought or otherwise acquired.”

Please don’t use with words you don’t know.



Definition of obtain

transitive verb
: to gain or attain usually by planned action or effort The information was difficult to obtain. He obtained an advanced degree from a prestigious university.

Please don’t use with words you don’t know.



"The correct word is “attained,” which means “earned.” “Obtained” means “bought or otherwise acquired."



Welcome to the internet. lol...

Are you new around here? I wouldn't take the posts in here all that serious.

Me personally, I love women and do wish my fellow men in here would go easy on them but even I can make disparaging comments towards women sometimes. However, I'm an equal opportunity basher. I will bash men too... so it all even outs in the end.

I recommend covering your eyes when you're in here though.... lol.. :)


Most website with discussion or chat won't allow it because these sites are privately owned businesses.

It's not a freedom of speech issue, men should be allowed to talk as much disgusting crap as they want about women, but they want people to respect their political opinions elsewhere on this site after bashing women. Real good look for you guys.

The internet isn't as anonymous as most people think and this crap will come back to haunt you.


So you agree with freedom of speech but then low-key threaten to dox people? lol


I didn't threaten anyone. You really need to get a handle on your paranoia.


"The internet isn't as anonymous as most people think and this crap will come back to haunt you."

So you warn people with this but I shouldn´t be paranoid. lol



I'm not in favor of tech fascism, so it really doesn't matter to me that much if people speak ill of her or conservative women either, which I noticed some do speak poorly of women like Marjorie Taylor Green, Sarah Sanders, Lauren Boebert etc.... I guess those women deserve it? right??

At the end of the day, I do think it's a bit pointless to come onto this website and waste energy doing this when only a handful of people will see it. This place needs more traffic to justify the tough talk... lol..

Truth is, Harris has done some things that makes her a bit unsavory, not that I really care that she slept her way to the top, plenty of women have done this. Honestly, almost every woman I've known personally has used sexuality to gain an advantage in one way or another. But I do think Harris is kind of a bitch and I pray every day that Biden doesn't die and this woman becomes president.

Each day it's becoming much clearer why Joe selected her as his running mate. LOL!

It was definitely the 'please don't kill me' pick...

And you are right, the internet is not anonymous. I think you still want to choose your words wisely when you're playing around on the net but I can admit, playing the "internet tough guy" role can be fun. Like I said, it comes with the territory.


I don't believe in fascism and I don't believe that ANYone should be talked about like this, it doesn't matter who and I don't know why you would just assume that I would be in favor of guys demeaning republican woman's body.

I don't feel like trying to put kindness and respect out into the world is a waste of time, even if I'm the only one doing it.


Yeah right. I'm sure you were equally upset at the vile things that were said and continue to be said about Trump. Just admit that you have a bias in favor of Kamala Harris and couldn't really give a damn if people say cruel things about others who you also happen not to like.


I don’t know anything about Kamala in the first place. People trash talk Trump but it isn’t a constant stream insulting his penis! Go through my posting history if you are so sure that I have a bias for this woman.

It’s not just her, every time a woman pops up on the front page it’s because some guy is talking about her body in a disgusting way and insulting her GENDER rather than her politics.

Why is this the only response I get back from people who talk about women like they are trash? Trying to point the finger at someone else or me as though something someone ELSE did made it okay for you to talk about anyone the way you talk about this woman or women in general.


Freedom of speech good as long as it’s approved speech. Ok lemming.


Ya like literally every right theres restrictions. lol welcome to reality spazo


I genuinely wonder if people like you and I have a distorted view of what we think human nature is or should be.


I think most people are decent and even somewhat kind, I spend every workday in the poorest Congressional District in America and I always find a nice stranger to chat up…most people don’t want trouble

But you make a point, every other idiot feels free to be a macho dickhead on the ‘net

As for the OP I agree, sexism and shoving the Ladies around is a weak move and it’s pretty disgusting

Limber up each day, greet the world and all the people with a happy smile, be prepared to punch the living shit out of any bastard that pushes their luck and be graceful to your family and neighbors


I love what you've said here. Very nicely put.


Or maybe it speaks to the quality of the women being talked about. Kameltoe slept her way to the top and was chosen for VP because of her sex and race, not her qualifications. That makes her fair game.


If that's true she must be a legendary fuck and have a very special vagina because this bitch is not that hot to end up being the vice president of a nation only by fucking.

Im not saying youre lying I just saying... "damn now Im curious about this hoe"


Everything he said is true. Yep.


It doesn't speak to the quality of woman who is being talked about because literally every female profile on this site gets a "would you hit it" or "her boobs..." type of thread.


Exactly. Maybe guys shouldn't do that and I don't know, be respectful?


I hope your parents and relatives are all equally scummy and fair game as you are. Unwelcome anywhere.


I know your fragile little mind requires you to believe that. Sorry. You have no idea how much you prove exactly what I think of liberals. Personal insults = no substance.


but you have no problem with how liberals talk about Trump? or Sarah Sanders?

its called hypocrisy.

the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform;




What is a woman?


No one knows!


We need to ask a biologist


I guess so. I thought that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina but apparently that's not true any more.


But, you haven't gotten those things from MY posting History so why would you assume that I have no problem with any political party being disgustingly unhumanitarian?

Maybe try taking some responsibility rather than whining about hypocrisy.

It doesn't apply to me.


I didnt mean to imply you said those things. Was just providing proof the dems have said terrible things about Republicans during the Trump Presidency.

I tried to save all the posts about hate and contempt towards Trump. but I can only find a few of them now.

T-rump unveils his new campaign slogan! "Open by Easter..."
posted 2 years ago by [deleted]
10 replies | jump to latest
T-rump unveils his new campaign slogan, and his T-rumptards have been chanting it since!

"Open by Easter,
Get sick by Memorial Day,
You're dead by 4th of July!"

This was doggiedaddy.

posted 2 years ago by robocat893 (5432)
36 replies | jump to latest
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it’s “not a good idea” for a “morbidly obese” President Donald Trump to be taking the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a preventative treatment for COVID-19 — especially given his age and weight group.

“He’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group — morbidly obese, they say,” Pelosi told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday evening. “I think it’s not a good idea.”

Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.

here is the famous robocat post.

If you are against women being harassed then certainly you are for ALL women right?

like I said before, hypocrisy is thy name...


Yea but can you define what a woman is?


Who the fuck cares when Kamal Toe slept her way to the top, helped fund domestic terrorism, and believes her racism is justified as part of the Democrat party platform. Fuck her kind.


If people bash Harris, it has nothing to do with her gender or skin color.
It's because she's clearly an idiot.
Stop playing the gender card. It doesn't work, and it's dumb. 🙄


Then stop using her gender to demean her. That's dumb.


She was selected as VP candidate specifically *because* of her gender. Gender is in play here.

For the record, Kamala Harris has dropped more boxers than Mike Tyson...




Sex, not gender. Oh boy are you fuckin stupid.


Same thing junior.


Your comeback is 💩
