MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Biden is a scum for choosing Harris as V...

Biden is a scum for choosing Harris as VP.

There are some tactics used by weak and unconfident Presidents to make
sure they do not get assassinated ... like Dan Quayle chosen by George
Bush I - choose a weak and not ready or accomplished VP.

That's not the way it's supposed to be. I don't hate Kamala Harris, I just
do not think she is political material - especially for high office. I did not
like her as my California Senator and was aghast she was running for
President. But, many of the contenders for the Presidency were puppets
of one sort of another ... like Pete Buttegeig.

What happened to the American people that these losers ... and that includes
ALL of the Republican candidates in 2016, do not get weeded out and cast
aside? Have we lost our collective minds, or are our elections just a total


We know this. Elizabeth Warren would have been a better choice.


As VP, and as President. But I don't think Warren could have stomached Biden's stabbing progressives in the back. I get Warren's regular emails and she is pretty critical, including of Biden, though she tries to be supportive.


She will probably primary Biden in 2024 and could win the nomination


She is even more unpopular than Biden, and Biden hasn't really done that bad on domestic issues, but supporting the Pentagon in the decades long Cold War of American invention is going to destroy Biden when people really understand what has been happening for the last decades while our military budget has risen and our tax money gets burned up for nothing.


..and Biden hasn't really done that bad on domestic issues..

LOL, good one!


Biden chose no one. He wasn't involved. He's a sock.


I was offended when Joe announced he was going to name a woman -- and a woman "of color" at that. It's such twisted thinking. Pandering, at best. The old fool. But, I agree, he's just a puppet.

We're all against racism and sexism -- till they find some political value in it.


On the Supreme Court.
That was a good pick, better than any of the Right-wing hacks that Trump nominated.


Rarely do any Presidents select worthy VPs, usually they are selected to pander to a segment of voters regardless of qualifications or fit with the President's view. Was Pence the best option for Trump? Hardly they didn't even have similar beliefs... Obama picking Biden was also ridiculous and the two also hated each other. Frankly the better option for VP should probably be a separate election where the voters select in an election different from the President... Hell maybe it would make more sense for an election for VP to be held after the Presidential election is completed. I don't think I can recall the last time a President had a VP that really made sense.
