will Brie Larson work with him now?


Fuck Brie Larson. Apart from Room (in which she was admittedly brilliant), what else has she done of any note?

She doesn't possess an IOTA of the talent and charisma of Jonathan Majors. Unfortunately, all the post-George Floyd faux-concern for Black men, was BULLSHIT. In the oppression Olympics RICH WHITE WOMEN will ALWAYS (sadly) trump BLACK MEN.



Phase 5 is off to a great start.....


On the plus side, maybe this will convince the dullard suits at Disney to *finally* call it a day on the MCU.


Hmm, I don’t know about that. But something tells me that Phase 5 might be the last one.



Cops arent your friends keep licking those Muderous Boots



"Cops arent your friends keep licking those Muderous Boots"



sounds like smear campaign BLM still matters


Maybe it never did to some of these faux-'woke' white racists, who use 'feminism' to keep down the Black man. 😠


Name one good thing BLM has done for the black community.


He’s an okay actor, nothing special at all. Don’t understand why he’s being pushed so hard


Conservatives must be confused as fuck between not believing women and attacking a black man


What about fellow liberals? Whose side are you on TheArgentinian?

Speaking as an *actual* progressive who wants to see the elevation of talented Black men, I'm personally fucking tired of yet another social media campaign to destroy yet another Black man.

My apologies to 'MeToo' and the rich white 'feminists' who control it... πŸ™„


You are not really progressive if you don't support both minorities AND #MeToo.


Who said I didn't support them both?*

But in this instance, a Black man is being pit against the 'BelieveWomen' narrative, so it's impossible to support both POVs.

You lambasted cons for their confusion (which is fair enough), but if we flip things around, aren't progressives, like you and I, in a similar, but reverse, situation (i.e. aren't *we* confused as fuck between believing all women and standing up for Black men?)

*I've NEVER hit a woman, NEVER sexually assaulted a woman, NEVER harassed a woman, NEVER molested a woman, ALWAYS crossed to the other side of the street at night if there's a possibility a nearby woman may have a reason to be scared, ALWAYS called out sexist jokes, bodyshaming, and misogynist tropes against women, left WhatsApps groups over what I regarded as sexist memes (and these were coming from married 'nice guy' men who'd regard themselves as 'feminists') etc. So who's to say I'm against 'MeToo'? That said, are we going to pretend Emmett Till didn't happen? Are we going to pretend that the Central Park Five didn't happen? Are we going to pretend that white women calling the police on Black men, as was the case a few years ago in Central Park, when a Black man politely asked a white Hillary supporter to leash her dog, as was the law, didn't happen? I think you know where I'm going with this. 😠


I think you're mistaken for Liberals as they're always confused.


I'll wait to read more about it. But reall sueing him has a better chance of getting money than shoplifting.


other accusations against Majors surface https://twitter.com/MCU_Direct/status/1639842573014425601


Who is AB Allen and (white boy) Tim Nicolai? Never heard of their work, and judging by their photos, they look like a pair of over-fragile, over-sensitive beta-weaklings who probably harbour deep-seated insecurities about typical (i.e. strong and virulent) Black men. Fuck em. 😠

"It’s both simultaneously awful to know he is still doing this and also a relief that he may never get to again."

The nastiness, bitterness and SPITE of cancel culture, the go-to for mediocrities and failures with chips on their shoulder, rears its ugly, envious, pathetic head again.

FWIW, I've been on the receiving end of bullying and mistreatment, and had to quit jobs over it, and seen my mental health suffer as a result, but ultimately, what matters is the GREATER GOOD. Some people are SOO talented and interesting, it's occasionally a service for us little people (i.e. those who LACK their talent, drive, conviction and charisma) to do the HONOURABLE thing and step aside and take the knocks. FUCK my fellow mediocrities, who don't know how to accept their place in life. Spoiled, entitled, WHINING shits. 😠


"There's a particular actor, relatively new on the scene, who Twitter has violently fallen head over heels for who, in actuality, is a vicious, cruel, abusive human being, both professionally and in his personal life, and every new viral thirst tweet about him drives me insane."

I hate to use this word but what a CUNT. 😠

What drives *me* insane is the ARROGANT, SANCTIMONIOUS, ENTITLED JUDGEMENT of people like AB Allen, so maybe they could do *me* a favour, and stop fucking up my already fragile mental health by judging people who've done NOTHING wrong.

But here's a suggestion: If you really want to stop the rest of us supporting a supposedly 'toxic' actor or filmmaker's career, SPEAK THE FUCK UP *BEFORE* THEY BECOME FAMOUS *OR* FOREVER HOLD YOUR FUCKING PEACE!


Those guys are class mates from Yale
After graduating from UNCSA, Majors attended the prestigious Yale School of Drama, completing his M.F.A. degree in 2016.


Yes, I saw that. I wonder what prompted them to attack him like this.

I suppose I'll get some grief for saying this, but I do know that Black men often get attacked for being smart, accomplished and successful, by people who didn't do so well.
