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What Was the Point at Which Black Women Started Giving Up on Black Men?

Black women were once PROUD to stand by their Black brothers, fathers, sons, cousins and nephews, but these days, whenever I see a story that pits a Black man against a woman, whether she's Black or white, one glance at social media, shows me that in the battle between BLM and MeToo, MeToo always wins out.

What's happened? A few years ago, WOC were quite rightly calling out 'white feminism' and how it did fuck all for them from an intersectional POV, but now, all these Black women are turning against the likes of Jonathan Majors, Chris Rock and various other Black men, and simping for the RICH WHITE WOMEN, or fake-Blacks, like Meghan fucking Markle, and her SPOILED rich ginger-whinger white hubby.

I'm a white dude, so I have no dog in this fight. If anything, if I were acting out of pure self-interest, I'd be jumping on the anti-Black man bandwagon (a bandwagon, white supremacist men have been jumping on throughout history; after all, white men have a history of always believing 'victims' AS LONG AS the alleged perpetrator is a Black man. Well, I ain't one of those fucking racists who thinks the worst of Black men, like many white men and white women do, but why are so many Black women now turning against Black men?

Fuck people like Meghan Markle and Kamala Harris who favour white husbands over Black men. Where's their sense of solidarity? Is it because they know that most white men are spoiled rich wimps, who they can control, and live off, rather than a strong, virile, powerful Adonis?


It's cause we're superior in every way. Don't you know that?


Like usual, it's all about money. In the workplace(think an office with a bunch of women in charge, they only favor/treat well/approve of..other white women, trans, gays, beta males, AND Black Women.

A normal white male? Enemy #1.
A normal black male? Enemy #2.

The women want it all, I call it hostile takeover. EXTRMELY HOSTILE TAKEOVER.

Women are good at office jobs, which is where A HUGE PERCANTAGE of jobs are nowadays. Men aren't really cut out for it.

Also, I know guys who work construction, building engineers, pipe fitters etc. They're happy with their jobs but they constantly get berated by the women who call down to them from..wait for it.."the office". And those women get paid very well.

These are just my observations. And I have experienced this same phenomena when I volunteered to work the x-mas holiday at a warehouse. EVERYBODY was super cool to me..except guess who?


I'm pretty good at office jobs, but you're right that there are a certain number of *privileged* *white* women who do exert their power over men, including *oppressed* *Black* men, within certain environments, but they're okay with passive and simping beta men (most of whom are white), less so trans women, who they regard as a threat (or, more accurately, demonise as a threat, for daring to undermine the power they derive from their 'victimhood').

No doubt some sanctimonious, simping (WHITE) asshole will accuse me of being a 'misogynist'/Andrew Tate fan, or some such BS, but who am I defending here? That's right. BLACK MEN! I'm standing AGAINST RACISM. So they can shove their privileged, daddy's little girl, white feminism up their spoiled derrieres. 😠


Interesting point about trans, I guess women support trans rights(with a religious ferver!) unless they come along and take their job. However, one guy told me a male co-worker of his started showing up to work cross dressed as a trans, the women did a complete 180 and welcomed the new(and fake) tranny as a hero of some sort.


Women get to marry whomever they want. Black women aren't 'turning on' black men if they marry a white man.
