Hasnt been Fired

no official statement has been released I think he is safe stop attacking a black man


what if attack Jussie Smollet


Black men attack each other plenty


Oh please. Celebrities are only fired quickly if there's a massive public display of outrage, and this guy isn't famous enough for that.

But if a moderate scandal makes them unpopular, but not completely radioactive, they aren't fired during the scandal itself. Instead, they're quietly written out of a show, their contract isn't renewed, or they "resign to spend more time with my family". So no, Majors isn't safe.


Okay, now I hear that he'd been dropped by his agency! Sorry, no link because I'm on my phone, but rumor has it that it wasn't just because of the accusations but because he's a huge pain to work with.

So no, he wasn't safe from the consequences of his action. He's just falling slowly.


What a waste.

Marvel better NOT recast him. How dare the *supposedly* 'woke' Disney think they can keep recasting Black men without anyone noticing. What do they think? That all Black men look the same? Last time I checked, that was *RACIST*. 😠

Better that they drop the storyline, or, better yet, call it quits on the whole franchise, and reboot (besides, I wouldn't be surprised if they already had IMMINENT films that featured Jonathan Majors footage).

PS: Remember how recasting Johnny Depp in Fantastic Beasts went... *eek*


No video or text messages are released! I’m rooting for him to get cancelled. Armie did less and was basically killed.


Armie deserved to be cancelled dude was a cannibal, Majors is being framed dude nothing wrong like George Flyod or Emmet Till
