MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Let's all SOCIALLY judge instead of lega...

Let's all SOCIALLY judge instead of legally

Any one remember when justice was legal and not social?
Ah, the good old days after witch hunts were destroyed.
Oh well.
Reaity truth is now subjective and that should work out well for everyone. :)


Yep, everything's fcked up now. Find a happy place


They rebooted my happy place and turned it into a woke dystopian nightmarish hellhole.


What was your happy place? Star Wars?


Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic books, gaming, fantasy novels, whatever it was/is that you go for a "happy place", the woke mob want to ruin it for you.

Just think about what that says about what kind of persons they are.


Star Trek *always* was kind of woke, and to be fair, so was Star Wars.

Still, I find reboots innately problematic. New adaptations are fine, but bringing back old characters and continuities is always a bad idea because you're liable to piss someone off with your changes.

I have little sympathy for people who are always complaining about 'woke' content, BUT I DO have sympathy for people who see their favourite IPs significantly altered and changed beyond recognition *many years and decades* later, after we've all accepted certain things as established canon (I'm currently pissed off about the upcoming Keaton Batman reboot, because I've long accepted that the Schumacher films were canon; and now I'm being told that this Ezra Miller trash is).

Like I say, I have little sympathy for anyone trying to uphold white and male privilege BUT I DO sympathise with the feelings of cognitive dissonance and betrayal fanboys and fangirls feel when they believe a favourite fictional universe has been significantly altered. It's an unreasonable act of tyranny on the part of the (new) creator (who are often unconnected to the *original* creators; for example, George Lucas has little to do with Episodes VII to IX, and Tim Burton has nothing to do with the upcoming Flash movie), and should, theoretically, be regarded as nothing but big-budget FANFIC rather than *canon*.


As a middle aged white male, I can assure you that there is no "privlege" that comes with that, and instead all you get is your valid complaints dismissed because of the color of your skin.


Right there with you


Social judging has always been a thing, and always will be.

YOU socially judge people, it's human nature to do so. So don't be a bitch if people socially judge you, or people like you.


People do all sorts of shitty things that are 'justified' by 'human nature'. It doesn't make it right.


ME individually judging is completely different than the entire planet judging and hanging people on social media - PRE LEGAL TRIAL.
get a clue you fucking moron



You can disagree with Otter (as *I* do in this instance) without resorting to name-calling.

I think your overall argument is sound, but there's NO need to be so rude.


If you don't want the whole planet judging you, maybe don't get cast in movies that get shown all over the world, and then do something you know is illegal?
