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Rolling Stone goes after Majors


The same Rolling Stone that went after the Duke lacrosse team?

I have no opinion on Jonathan Majors, I'm just not ready to jump on the Rolling Stone thing.


Duke lacrosse? Now there's a story I haven't heard in a long time. I don't remember Rolling Stone spearheading the investigation of that case. As I recall it was a corrupt D.A., D.A. Mike Nifong, who was responsible for that mess and ended up disbarred and jailed because of it. I'm sure Rolling Stone covered the story and believed the charges initially, but that was because the fucking D.A. had everyone convinced it was true.


There were a lot of news outlets guilty of misreporting on the whole debacle, but Rolling Stone specifically was found guilty for libel with actual malice.

Rolling Stone magazine and a journalist have been found guilty of defamation over a false article about a gang rape at the University of Virginia.

The $7.5m (£6m) lawsuit was brought by Nicole Eramo, an associate dean from the university, who said the article had cast her as the "chief villain".
The 10-member federal jury in Charlottesville found that Erdely was responsible for libel with actual malice.

They also found the magazine and its publisher responsible for defaming Ms Eramo.
A report from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, commissioned by Rolling Stone, found flaws at every level of the magazine's editing process.

It described the article as "a story of journalistic failure".


Huh, didn't know that. Thanks.


What's quoted above is not from the Duke lacrosse case. You're right about Nifong. The poster has their cases mixed up.


That's not the Duke case. You've conflated two different cases.


It's funny how memory works. You're correct. That was a different rape case that I did indeed conflate with the Duke Lacrosse case.

Still, my point about Rolling Stone stands.


I know. It's just that the other guy wasn't wrong in suggesting Nifong as the real villain in the Duke case.


That's good looking out.


Link to original source.

I suspect that Majors made some serious enemies at Marvel/Disney with his behavior, because rumor has it that Disney will normally hush up actor scandals. I mean this is the most serious journalistic effort I've seen devoted to celebrity gossip in years, because who puts in three months researching the behavior of a B-lister? It's weird that a major publication would take that much interest in someone who isn't a big star, unless that someone has made some serious enemies...


Enemies: Warner Bro, DC studio, James Gunn.
