MovieChat Forums > Zendaya Discussion > So apparently if her Spider-Man characte...

So apparently if her Spider-Man character dies it is racism?

Seeing a lot of comments after the teaser which makes you feel that her character could die in the movie that it would be racist if they kill her character. Really? Is that the point things have come to?


Zendaya is to much of a babe to get killed in a movie.


I agree


She's not really that good looking.

I've been puzzling over how it is that she has gotten singled out as some hot girl.

I mean, she's not unattractive but she's not that hot either.


Yeah, I don't get the all.


It's simple ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You may not think she is attractive, but then again, I'd venture to say that there are some people who would look at you and not be impressed. Same goes for me, and everyone else in the world.
You don't like her? fine. I am sure she will not lose any sleep over that.


While I understand personal taste, it feels like with Zendaya Hollywood is trying to market her and push her in a way that is not congruent with the thoughts of a great many people. I know that I am not the first who has said this.


Those are her publicists, her agent and her handlers saying that. This latest one-name "entertainer" isn't going to argue.


She is skinny .. and that's about it as far as her looks are concerned.

She's also a bad actor.


A babe?...


Yes. Simple. That is the TRAP of putting a part black or part brown actress like Zendaya in your project. You kill off her character, then she already has her attack plan ready.
