MovieChat Forums > Jane Levy Discussion > Evil Dead sequel??

Evil Dead sequel??

I know it's a bit early to start speculating, but I wonder if she'll be back for the sequel. (Granted there is another film) I fell in love with Mia, and I want her back for another one!!


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I'm sure she'll end up coming back, Evil Dead 2 is supposed to be coming out in 2014 or 2015 and then Army Of Darkness 2 is supposed to be released in 2016!


she is signed on for whatever sequels


Are you serious?! They are re-doing Army of Darkness?! NOOOO!!!! (Although I love Jane.)


Well Army Of Darkness 2 is the only reason Bruce Campbell was in the last scene of the movie Evil Dead 2013 after the credits rolled! Jane Levy won't be in it, it's part of the magic of what made the Evil Dead series popular, Bruce Campbell playing the most awesome character ever written by Sam Raimi and making it like a horror version of The Expendables! I'm just glad they're finally making a new movie instead of the old retired THQ video games they had on the XBOX and Playstation 2! They should make a Playstation 4 Evil Dead game, it'd be pretty awesome killing my own DEADITES with a shotgun and a chainsaw!


Yea Fede already announced it and she's going to def be in it because they're making another army of darkness and then a final film bringing both Mia and Ash together


Yes, I think she will be in it! The reason I say this is because, straight out of her mouth: "I just mean it was really hard and I will, of course, come back for Evil Dead 2 if that happens. But I did two independent horror films recently..." So, there you have it! Taken from:! Here's the link...


So its late 2016 and now we know there's an Ash vs Evil Dead series (vs an AOD 2 which looks like is NOT happening) and the series happens 30 years where the ED series left off. Season 2 premieres Oct 2nd on STARZ! Can't wait!

Would LOVE to see an Evil Dead 2, but also wouldn't mind if SOMEHOW, the Mia character is somehow integrated into the show as a "Crossover" of sorts. Although I've read the original series and remake are in different universes (hence, no 'Ash' in the remake).

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!
