MovieChat Forums > Colin Kaepernick Discussion > Trump: Colin Kaepernick should get anoth...

Trump: Colin Kaepernick should get another shot in the NFL



And Nixon drew up a play for the Washington Redskins to use in the Super Bowl. I think it ended up in a turnover.
Politicians should stay out of sports.


I wonder if he is still physically capable


I don't see what's wrong with his statement. He clearly says if kaepernick EARNED it, he should get a shot. That's a reasonable stance. Not have it given to him like a lot of leftists want.

The problem is kaepernick has no intention of signing with another team, he makes plenty of money with his Nike endorsement. Plus, it'll remain a mystery if he can even still play. He'll play up the sympathy and martyrdom as long as he can.


Kaepernick doesn't want to play and lose face after he gets his dick knocked in the dirt. Much easier to just stay retired and be an activist from his couch. He wouldn't cut it at any level at this point.


No way he wants to play. He wants to keep this issue alive, though. It makes him more relevant.


He got a TV show.

American politicians don't have any real convictions, they roll with the trends.
