MovieChat Forums > Brittney Griner Discussion > 40,000 Citizens Still Locked Up for Same...

40,000 Citizens Still Locked Up for Same Crime!!!

pedo joe trades international criminals for a libturd speaking piece but doesnt do shit to free 40,000 people unjustly incarcerated under his own regime. big pharma, tobacco, an liquor are more important to joe than us little people....


Yeah, but they aren't black, women or gay...


yea good point, straight white males are the biggest minority in these libturded clown world times. if we werent so badass i dont how we would survive with all the discrimination we face these days...


I'm always glad to see a spokesperson for conservative values standing up for what they think is right.
Inevitably they look like ignorant assholes who are angry that the world isn't how they want it to be.
Keep it up. You create more Progressives with this type of talk. Bravo !


No. You're the ignorant asshole and you're universally hated here. She got preferential treatment over Paul Whelan. Someone who actually loves this country.


According to court-martial records, Paul Whelan received a bad-conduct discharge from the US Marines in 2008 and his rank was reduced to that of corporal when he was found guilty of bouncing checks and the attempted theft of $10,000 during a tour in Iraq.

Yeah, he loves his country but is a convicted thief. You should choose you're heros carefully.


He's not my hero but he's better than what's her name.


The President had no authority to grant clemency to people imprisoned under state laws. You should complain to your governor.


its amazing how even state laws, enforcement and republicans governors is still somehow Joes fault.


its amazing how even state laws, enforcement and republicans governors is still somehow Joes fault.

yeah the republicans are so dumb


I'm a Conservative and I don't blame Joe Biden for much. He's not great or anyone I'd vote for again (2008), but presidents are usually recipients of praise and anger for other people's doing.


hes not great and I never voted for him.


I did in '08 because I liked Obama. Then I worked in the home affordable refinance program and saw how the policies were well intended but ineffectual. So, I didn't vote like that again.


he has the authority to at least change federal law to stop future injustice, yet he would rather trade international super criminals for wnba players...


How can the president change the law? He has called upon congress to change it. However, the federal government rarely charges people with my possession, which is why there isn't anybody in federal prison for possession of mj


amazing how Joe Biden is to blame for something your party is adamantly against and does everything to fight (legalization).

maybe look internally at your own party and stop blaming Joe for all your problems.


just cause i hate dirty rotten libturds doesnt mean i am a republican. I am a libertarian who votes republican out of my hate of libturds. I am not a republican....


"im not a republican! im just also on the right and slgihtly better on social issues but still vote for them and still align with them largely on economics I just want even less regulation"

soo a republican. so again the party you keep voting for is even worse on this issue, yet Joe Biden is still somehow to blame.


I would rather smoke weed illegally and risk going to jail then live in a Godless society that legalize the murder of unborn children. U libturds are demonic as hell...


I'm curious. How many unwanted children have you adopted? If not adopted then how many unwanted children have you fostered? How much money have you donated to any organization that supports unwanted children? My guess is none.


he also ignores all the inconvenient parts of the bible that would affect his own life like eating shellfish and clothes of more than one material, while lecturing others.


I didn't create these kids and I'm not responsible for them financially... Anyways its better to be poor than be dead at the hands of some sick abortionist "doctor". I don't wanna live in a society where people can murder unborn humans for profit. How can we teach our youth about the crimes of Hitler or Stalin when our own society exterminates unborn babies everyday?!? If the life of an unborn means nothing than a born human life has even less value. A woman killing a kid for her convenience is pretty much exactly the same as Hitler killing the Jews in order to secure financial security for Germany. Money and resources arent more important than human life...


ohh you are a crazy religious person. makes sense now.

make sure you don't eat that shellfish! or wear those clothes of more than one material!

ohhh your one of those christians who ignore the rules in the bible that would be mildly inconvenient to you and instead use it as a moral cudgel to enforce your interpretation on others


so now not being part of the devil worshiping child murdering demonrat cult makes u "super religious"?!? ha u libturds are hilarious, i guess i am super religious then since i possess basic simple morals and value the human rights of defenseless unborn babies. you libturd put all these assumptions on me calling a Christian just because I'm not pro child murder?!?!?


yes anyone who disagrees with you worships the devil.

no we assume you are Christian because you are talking about god and are English, and likely American who are largely Christian . and using terms like devil worship, which is associated with christianity. You idiot.

maybe talk less about your religious nonsense and take some classes in logic.


human rights has nothing to do with religion. you're a pro child murderer making you a demon... it has nothing to do with you having a different idea than me. You being demonic has everything to do with you having a demonic idea!


couldn't even have a spine and admit his comment about why I assumed christian was wrong. what an idiot.

have you seen a professional? you sound unwell.


have I seen a professional?!? no im not a libturd who pops big pharma drugs, i dont need a shrink. a decade ago i was just like you, sad, lost, Godless, and had pro child murder views. I was never a hypocrite tho who said Pro-Choice, i always acknowledged it was murder but said it was okay since life is so shit killing kids is acceptable. But after burning all my bridges and having nowhere else to turn i put my faith back into God and slowly my life turned around. Now i realized i was sick in the head all along and life is actually good. I have never been this well in my life. Retired millionaire in my mid twenties all because of Gods grace! I look back at my past and thank God everyday I am not the same person I used to be. U can change too but u need to find ur Lord. I am not promoting Christianity just Spirituality which u libturds also lack...


you are unstable.


stable people have college loans and work 9 to 5 jobs. nobody has retired at my age being stable. Extreme lows are necessary to get the grit needed for extreme highs. Life is a rollercoaster u need to learn to go with the flow not pop ur big pharma dope pills in hopes of being "stable"



mentally unstable. get some help. you live in a made top delusion of demons and satan and evil forces./


we live in a world full of child murdering libturds! the demons walk amongst us, they are no illusion!!


Libturds? Really? How old are you, 12?


i grow old but i refuse to grow up!


He made the trade dumbass. Stop embarrassing yourself and finish grade school.


President Biden is the best president also Britney deserved to be Freed Vote for the legalization then it wont be an issue happy britney is coming home why are you mad about a Russian Super criminal being freed its Putin problem now


Well, no, she broke the laws of a different country so she doesn't deserve to be freed. Period.


cry more dude


Well, I disagree with releasing this clown but to be fair ...


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
(Animal Farm by George Orwell)

Russia wanted to have their killer Krasikow back also.

Wait, let me check if that murderer is still in jail here. ☻


Officially that Russian killer is still in jail.
Some more details about it:


Orwell was a self proclaimed leftist and socialist. Maybe stop quoting someone who wasn't on your side


And what "side" am I in your opinion? ☺


my bad apologies


And still he criticized socialism. And he was 100% correct in what he wrote.


he criticized authoritarianism and soviet authoritarianism.



Problem is: socialism inevitably leads to authoritarianism. There is no other direction. There is NO socialism that led anywhere else but authoritarianism.
Not with the actual human nature.

Look at your leftists: they are the perfect example of "All are equal but some are more equal than others", at least the conservatives rarely argue that "all are equal" ... and when they do they mean it.

Anyway, just found this and it's a great read, whatever your ideology is.


you guys define everything as socialism so I don't think you know what you are talking about.

conservatives don't have to argue "all are equal", they just push massive advantages for some. When you have billion dollar companies paying no federal taxes and billionaires paying the same rate as their secretary who makes 50k a year.

they don't need to push "more equal than others". its just Neo-aristocracy. rather than aristocrats privileges codified and granted by the king, they instead just have bought the politicians to codify them in the tax system and legal system.

where are all these socialists you speak of who want a socialist command economy? which party? which members? point them out? "I think corporate taxes should be 22% not 19% and healthcare affordable to all" is not socialism.


asom knows very well what he's talking about.

And you may change your username.
Not much logic in your last post.


im still going to need to see all these commies


You should've read the thread, not only one word.
Wish you a pleasant journey! ☺


"socialism inevitably leads to authoritarianism"

again im going to need Asom to define socialism and tell me about all these socialists.



"socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."


No, socialized healthcare (or any social service) is NOT socialism ,neither is high taxation or whatever.

I mean, should be obvious, no country in Western Europe is authoritarian although they have socialized education, healthcare and high taxes. But they are NOT socialist either.


great so we agree the Democrats aren't socialists.


Where did I say something even close to that???


often when people shriek about "the socialists", a group that pretty much doesn't exist except some dumb college kids, often they are implying Biden and the democrats are commies and socialists. If you aren't that is great we agree! you seem so hostile. have you tried breathing?


I seem hostile because you make a lot of assumptions about people that you don't know. And you are basically rude and call me ignorant by assuming the shit that you are assuming.

If you don't know ... ask. It's easier.


yes I make assumptions because its human nature to do so.. please calm down


I'm very calm :P


I lived in a socialist country, thank you.

"When you have billion dollar companies paying no federal taxes and billionaires paying the same rate as their secretary who makes 50k a year."

Good, good, that's why I don't like socialists o r leftists in general, they don't understand shit about economy, taxes or anything in general.

" "I think corporate taxes should be 22% not 19% and healthcare affordable to all" is not socialism." and where the fuck did I say that's socialism???


I lived in the uk for a few years. does that make me an expert on UK economics? what a silly need to calm down.

capitalist companies and billionaires paying no tax isn't a left wing thing. sad


"I lived in the uk for a few years. does that make me an expert on UK economics?"

Compared to me? Sure.

"capitalist companies and billionaires paying no tax isn't a left wing thing" of course is not. But you don't understand WHY they pay "no tax". Which obviously you don't ...


no, no it doesn't. living in a geographical area doesn't make you an experts on the intricacies of the areas economics. that's utter nonsense. think about how dumb that is. are you an expert of Uk history if you live there? how about a city? you live in London for a year and just by the sheer fact of living there the cities essence imparts historical knowledge to you? if you live there 1 month but I only pass through are you more educated? honestly think about how stupid that "logic" is..

I understand there is plenty of ways to dodge taxes legally. its what happens when money is speech and you can buy politicians.

Many wealthy people get paid in stock options, which means they do not get taxed til they sell. but again often at 15%. in other words the same amount as people who make 11-40K. that's absurd given 89% of stocks are owned by the top 10%.

as for corporations I get why one would pay taxes only on profits not revenue. But then also it's absurd that a company using the various infrastructure of a company, wearing it down and straining it, would not pay a penny of federal taxes.

the CEOS get paid, the shareholders (largely the top 10%) get paid. the government gets shafted while providing all the functions and infrastructure needed to make their business flourish. this infrastructure and society does not fund itself. When you have some of the biggest companies putting nothing back in the pot just siphoning it away. that is an issue


Actually yes, it makes 100% sense.

Again, compared with someone that NEVER lived there and NEVER read anything about that YOU DO know a lot more.

To say that after you lived in a place for a year you know nothing about it it's utterly stupid.

But to clear the confusion that you seem to be in: I NEVER said that I lived in a socialist country for a year. I lived in a socialist country (in which I was actually born) for a long time. I even grew up with socialist indoctrination in school and reading Marx.

Your assumptions are quite wrong and stupid, don't make them. If you don't understand something you should better ask rather than assume stupid shit.

"Many wealthy people get paid in stock options, which means they do not get taxed til they sell. but again often at 15%. in other words the same amount as people who make 11-40K. that's absurd given 89% of stocks are owned by the top 10%."

And that is fair, to get taxed when they sell. That's when the income materializes. It would be stupid to be other wise.

Non-qualified dividents are taxed just as much as a normal income.

"the CEOS get paid, the shareholders (largely the top 10%) get paid. the government gets shafted while providing all the functions and infrastructure needed to make their business flourish. this infrastructure and society does not fund itself. When you have some of the biggest companies putting nothing back in the pot just siphoning it away. that is an issue"

The CEOS get paid ... and TAXED. The shareholders get paid ... and TAXED. The government gets money from other taxes: taxes on gas to pay for the infrastructure, as an example.

Those companies put a lot back in the pot, just by creating new jobs through reinvestments they ensure that MORE taxes are taken by the government. In the end the money that the state gets from the income taxes are paid by the company.

BTW: "The top 20% of taxpayers paid 78% of federal income taxes in 2020" - so much for "the rich don't pay taxes".

You know what's the real problem in US? Not how much taxes are paid but how much the government spends on overpriced shit.


No it doesn't make any sense. holy crap man you are better than this. spending time in a geographical area doesn't mean you automatically studied its economics. that's utter fucking nonsense. you going to the store and buying food in that area doesn't mean you are learning its economic system. that is one of the dumbest shit I ever read.

no I said word for word "I lived in the uk for a few years. does that make me an expert on UK economics?". NO it doesn't., stop saying stupid shit

cool and? fact you lived there years doesn't make you an expert in socialism.ill show you yet again since you somehow missed the first analogy.based on the type of forest and greengage, a country may be broken into different terrestrial ecozones. I grew up in what is a "mixed wood plains". ever since I was a baby! am I therefore an expert. in biogeogrpahics and botany? that is dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard someone say.

And that is fair, to get taxed when they sell. That's when the income materializes. It would be stupid to be other wise.

its fair for billionaires to pay the same tax as someone earning 30K? you do not seem to know what the word fair means.

who cares about non qualified dividends?? most people are making money off qualified dividends. thanks for pointing to the exception of the rule. you just lost that argument. that's a poor way to argue.

taxed at a far lower level. that's the point. learn to read.

who said their reinvestment means more taxes will be paid out? who says they will pay more? you are making la la land assumptions that they won't continue to try and Pay as little as possible.incomes taxes are deducted from pay, the company didn't give this money personally, it was my money paid. stop acting like the companies being charitable for doing so.

"You know what's the real problem in US? Not how much taxes are paid but how much the government spends on overpriced shit."

well you are an uneducated idiot then. what could go wrong when billionaires are paying an effective lower rate than someone earning 30K!

yes and income taxes aren't the only taxes. the poor and middle class continue to pay sales taxes and other ways more than the wealthy. the rich have really trained you well as their lapdog


"No it doesn't make any sense. holy crap man you are better than this. spending time in a geographical area doesn't mean you automatically studied its economics. that's utter fucking nonsense. you going to the store and buying food in that area doesn't mean you are learning its economic system. that is one of the dumbest shit I ever read."

Are you that stupid that you don't know the difference between living somewhere and visiting that place???

When you LIVE somewhere it implies you get paid, you interact with the people AND the economy, you need to learn at least some basics about the local economic system. Or you should unless you're a fucked up moron that doesn't know what world he lives in. Which actually you obviously are.

"based on the type of forest and greengage, a country may be broken into different terrestrial ecozones. I grew up in what is a "mixed wood plains". ever since I was a baby! am I therefore an expert. in biogeogrpahics and botany? "

NO idiot, but YOU DO KNOW ABOUT "mixed wood plains" a lot more than someone that lived in an ocean area. As I said, or you should unless you are a huge moron. And as I said: you are.

A country doesn't have "economic zones" usually, it's economy is pretty much heterogenous.

"its fair for billionaires to pay the same tax as someone earning 30K? you do not seem to know what the word fair means."

Yes, IT IS FAIR since the billionaire didn't have an income that year and the income is taxed. When Musk sold his shares and he had an income for that year he paid something like 50% in taxes - literally billions in taxes. So did Bezos. You don't know how it works. So I guess you're right about your point regarding to YOU: YOU living in this country but you didn't learn shit and you know zero.

"Between 2014 and 2018, Musk paid $455 million in taxes on $1.52 billion of income, according to ProPublica, despite his wealth growing by $13.9 billion over that period.

According to Forbes, Musk is worth over $244 billion on paper, making him the world’s richest man."

So you see how wrong and STUPID you are??? And yes, to tax the stocks gains is stupid since that stock is volatile and all that wealth is not real until he sells. At the moment of sale he might even be at a loss.

"well you are an uneducated idiot then. what could go wrong when billionaires are paying an effective lower rate than someone earning 30K!"

Again, don't call uneducated when you don't fucking understand the difference between income, wealth, unrealized gains, etc.

You represent exactly what's the problem with socialism and stupid leftists. You are morons that don't understand how taxation works and what is taxed. I lived a lot less in this country than you and I know a lot more about taxes and it's economic system. Because I'm NOT a moron like you.


im done here. you are purposely being contrary because you know it makes no sense.. living vs visiting there doesn't matter. unless you purposely took time to study. but that wasn't mentioned. you just said living there makes you an expert. but that's untrue. just like how living in a mixed wood plains my whole life doesn't make me an expert on different terrestrial ecozones.

idiot, but YOU DO KNOW ABOUT "mixed wood plains" a lot more than someone that lived in an ocean area. As I said, or you should unless you are a huge moron. And as I said: you are.

I don't know FUCK ALL about mixed wood plains. I had to google it.

come back and talk when you are done pretending to be mentally challenged. grow a spine and admit you made a mistake in logic.


"you just said living there makes you an expert. but that's untrue. "

Idiot, I NEVER said that, YOU said that. I said that living somewhere gives you more information about the area than someone that never been there.

YOU are just using strawmans and attack points I never made. And you assume too fucking much.

"I don't know FUCK ALL about mixed wood plains. " because YOU are an idiot and lacks any logic and attention. It's ON YOU, not on me.

"grow a spine and admit you made a mistake in logic."

For an idiot that lacks any logic, makes a LOT of assumptions and logical fallacies, like the above strawman, you should change your username, it's FAR from accurate.

The mistake is not mine, is yours, and it's multiple.


my comment "living in a geographical area doesn't make you an experts on the intricacies of the areas economics"

your comment -"Actually yes, it makes 100% sense. Again, compared with someone that NEVER lived there and NEVER read anything about that YOU DO know a lot more.

you seem to have a poor memory.

"I don't know FUCK ALL about mixed wood plains. " because YOU are an idiot and lacks any logic and attention. It's ON YOU, not on me.

LOL pardon? because I live in an area I become knowledgeable on its forestry too?

you somehow keep saying dumber and dumber things. I thought you hit rock bottom. but you hit a new level each comment. how do you remember to chew and breathe?

im frankly shocked


"you seem to have a poor memory."

You seem to not understand English.

"LOL pardon? because I live in an area I become knowledgeable on its forestry too?"

Of course, unless you're blind you can spot what kind of trees are in the area that you fucking pass trough. As an example: I do know that there are no native pine trees in San Diego ... and no native palm trees in Portland. I do know which are the best beaches in San Diego and which are the best strip clubs in Portland.

You should be shocked by your stupidity.


I do, you just are slow.

99% of the people live their lives not saying "hey maybe I should go and study those trees and learn what kind of terrestrial ecozones and get familiar with all the types of plant life we have here and become an expert". same for economics. the fact someone lived in England doesn't make them an expert on the British economy.

I chose my words carefully and said "EXPERT". you said it doesn't. you knowing there are no pines in San Diego DOES NOT make you an expert biogeologist you idiot.

I suggest leaving movie chat and getting an education. even including all the insane christians on here talking about demons and baby sacrifice, you have possibly said the dumbest thing I have read the last week

you are incredibly stupid.


"I chose my words carefully and said "EXPERT". you said it doesn't. you knowing there are no pines in San Diego DOES NOT make you an expert biogeologist you idiot."

And I never said expert. I said that I know more than YOU. You fucking idiot you latch into a term I never used.

I said that I know about the area you moron.

Stop projecting your insane stupidity on other you idiot.

" the fact someone lived in England doesn't make them an expert on the British economy." - makes them knowledgeable of taxation system (yes, they would be taxed) - actually, scratch that, for idiots like you it wouldn't. You live in the USA and have NO idea how taxation works.

Why do I even bother with idiots like you???


YES YOU DID you said "makes you more of an expert".

wow you seem to be suffering from some serious mental illness where you forget what you write.

make sure you keep practicing your breathing and chewing. those nut be big tasks for you


"YES YOU DID you said "makes you more of an expert"."

Ah, you are a liar as well???

Quote me saying "makes you an expert"!!! I fucking dare you!!!

Here, learn something new today:

For me you are "mr strawman" from now on, you should change your username.


wow have you been checked out for some brain damage? im seriously thinking you have some.

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

"makes you more of an expert"."

Compared to me? Sure.

Compared to me? Sure.

Compared to me? Sure.

Compared to me? Sure.

Compared to me? Sure.
Compared to me? Sure.

Compared to me? Sure.

Compared to me? Sure.


You've proved that you are too stupid to understand English.


you've proven you were trapped and sounded dumb.


"you've proven"

Case in point.

Someone logical and "precise" would know that proved is the preferred form ...


WOW says I used it correctly. but you know more than them too right?

either way when you have nothing, just nit pick grammar.

you lost. you are MCs new biggest embarrassment.

"derp I lived in Japan so im more an expert on geobiology."

how are you this dumb? how do you remember to breathe?


I loved in Japan for a year. im now an expert on their geology, biogeology, history and culture. I didn't study it, just living there the essence of Japan funnelled the information to my brain.

I can't believe you are this stupid. you re not an expert on socialism because you lived in such a country.

anymore than everyone who lives in the west is an expert on democracy, mixed market economies and NATO.

my favourite movie ever once said "never go full retard", but you did


"I loved in Japan for a year. im now an expert on their geology, biogeology, history and culture. I didn't study it, just living there the essence of Japan funnelled the information to my brain.

I can't believe you are this stupid. you re not an expert on socialism because you lived in such a country.

anymore than everyone who lives in the west is an expert on democracy, mixed market economies and NATO."

Again you latch on something I never said. Shows how illogical you are.

Here, learn something new today:

For me you are "mr strawman" from now on, you should change your username.


it is what you said

ME "I lived in the uk for a few years. does that make me an expert on UK economics?"

YOU "Compared to me? Sure."

how do you remember to breathe being this slow? all your energy goes to your barely functioning brain


Do you even understand what "compared to me" means?

It doesn't mean that it makes you an expert, just that you know (or you should know more, but you are an imbecile and learn nothing) than me.

So as a comparation, you are more knowledgeable than me, it doesn't MEAN YOU ARE AN EXPERT you imbecile.

Learn some English please.


yes and I am NOT AN EXPERT COMPARED TO YOU just because I lived there.

im not an expert. im not an expert compared to you.

you living in that country doesn't make you an expert on socialism compared to me. me living in Japan doesn't make me an expert on geobiology compared to you.

I don't think there's a specific fallacy name for it, but it is one. claiming to live somewhere makes you knowledgeable about various aspects of it is a fallacy.

remember man, keep practicing chewing and breathing. you are barely functioning mentally


"claiming to live somewhere makes you knowledgeable about various aspects of it is a fallacy."

Actually it DOES make you knowledgeable about various aspects of life where you live. Unless you are a fucking plant.

Which you proved that you are, a plant.

You forgot to say "expert".

This is your problem, that you barely function when you're speaking English, you use imprecise expressions so you can claim stupid shit after. It was clear what I mean by saying "Compared to me".

Change that fucking username. You are too stupid to use it.


NO not it doesn't. it says literally nothing about you and your interest in something advanced like the countries economics, nor even its biogeography. nothing someone couldn't find out more about by spending 10 minutes on google even though they are half way across the world.

so NO compared to you they are not an expert just because they lived there.

stop derping. remember to chew and breathe.


Damn, you are too stupid and I'm just too tired with your stupid ideas and strawmans.


Oh my golly I used a word less "preferred" but still technically grammatically correct! you sure did get man! It's hilariously thinking you read that and thought "I got him! he used a less preferred but still correct usage! im going to show him!"

according to the Oxford English Dictionary. you may have heard of them?

"Occasionally, some writers use proven instead of proved as the past participle form of prove. This is much more common in American English than British English (In British English, proved remains the sole standard past participle.)"

So I am using what is commonly used in my countries version of English. you got me! Guilty as charged!

you tried to get a gotcha and ended up looking like an insane person who sounds like you think you are an expert on language but failed miserably. when that is all you have you have nothing :)


But my point stands.

You NEVER reply to what I say but you're replying to what you ASSUME and/or MISUNDERSTAND that I said.

like with "expert" and with "it's incorrect".

And OF COURSE YOU IDIOT that was not about "expert" but about having more knowledge. We are on a public forum idiot, we are not claiming to be experts.

And we don't have to be experts to know what socialism is. You are the one that brought up the term because you are an idiot and have NO Logic and cannot understand English OR context.

Fucking idiot, hide in your mom basement and never go out. And change your username.


care to grow a spine finally? you ball less eunuch? admit you made a mistake.

come on even a pathetic excuse for a male can do that

your point would stand if it you had not agreed it makes you "more of an expert", and it was more mundane things. like "more likely to know what's a a grocery store" or "more likely to know what things cost"

these are very real tangible things that a person couldn't help but notice because they are directly interacting with them on a daily basis.

the fact you thought it would make them "more of an expert" on the economic system in the sense of how high up the socialist system worked (rather than mundane things like buying bread), because we were talking about the economic system as a whole and actually so dumb you said it'd make them an expert on biogeography" proved your brain is malfunctioning.


"admit you made a mistake." no mistake there. You are plainly stupid.

And you were the one that makes a lot of stupid mistakes, like not even understanding the difference between "recommended" and "correct". That's a proof that your brain is incapable of understanding basic things.

" it you had not agreed it makes you "more of an expert", and it was more mundane things."

No, idiot, again, I never used the term expert. It was an ironic (did you notice that "sure!" that was supposed to mock you? Obviously not) reply to your idiotic claim of "being and expert". Who the fuck is that idiot to use "expert" in it's absolute meaning on a forum in this context.

Ah, of course, YOU.

Again, I never used the term "expert", you did. I don't need to be an expert to know what socialism is you idiot (context you imbecile, do you know what that is??). I don't need to be an expert to acknowledge the environment I live in. You need to be brain dead to not realize what kind of world you live in.

And AS YOU PROVED you are braindead,


I said you agreed it "makes you more of an expert" to which you replied yes and im the idiot? you have borderline what appears to be alzeihmers.

right I did, and you agreed.

so care to grow a spine yet?

so living in a socialist country makes you more of an expert on socialism? dumbest thing I have heard here so far


That because you don't understand written English.

It makes me A LOT more knowledgeable about socialism than idiots like you, that's for sure. And compared to you I'm sorta of an expert on socialism. Read the words carefully and try to understand. I already KNOW that you are too stupid for that but at least TRY.

I already explained how stupid you are and that you fail to understand context and logic.

But btw, remember what you said??

"you are dumb as hell and it shows. despite knowing what I meant you decided to nitpick because you had not argument"

Fucking imbecile. Your own fucking words. But about "expert".

No, I didn't nitpick, my point was different. My point was that you pretend to be logical and precise when you are nothing but. You assume a lot, you misunderstand (or pretend to) and so forth, the only things that you use from logic are fallacies ...

Ilogical leftist :D


apparently you do not sweetie :) you were wrong about proven/proved.

and you don't have the balls to admit it.


I was not wrong and I proved it (sic!).

You even thought I said that is not correct, that shows how much of an imbecile you are and how much you lack any capacity of understanding plain English …

The problem is ... you don't fucking understand plain english.

I gave you quotes FROM YOUR link that EXPERTS recommend "proven" as an adjective and "proved" as a past participle. IMBECILE.

And that's what I said, you moron. Learn some English AND Logic, stupido.


you didn't prove anything..... its not imbecilic. afford dictionary literally says in American English its common. and still grammatically correct.

but again you know more than Oxford?

if all you have is "I quoted an expert who said both are correct but ones preferred". and you think that was a slam dunk? you have nothing going on in your life and you have no argument.

"omg you used the slightly less preferred past participle of prove!! I got you"

you are seriously grasping at straws and have nothing of substance. which shows when you abandoned your argument completely about experts :) dumbass owned


Are you still rumbling?

I never said it’s incorrect you moron. This shows again how little your dead brain can understand …

I addressed the “expert: issue already but you’re too dumb to figure that out, nothing unexpected


where did I say you did?

I said your entire argument of it being less preferred as a gotcha is moronic.

Thinking that would be some slam dunk when its possibly one of the most desperate and stupid attacks I've ever seen.

you didn't though clown :) you had no good answer. so im more of an expert on my countries geobiodiversity. how about my countries fossils and layers they are specifically found in?

since im more of an expert on economics, im also more of an expert on NATO too right?

I believe you are retarded.


A quote from you:

‘ I used it correctly. have a spine. you were wrong`

You are such an imbecile that you don’t rvrn know what you’re saying.

Bye, braindead.


Learn better English. I love watching you get owned.


yes and I did use it correctly so what were you even talking about?

you tried to nitpick and imply I was dumb, and I showed you its perfectly acceptable English.

you will catch up one day :)


"yes and I did use it correctly so what were you even talking about?

you tried to nitpick and imply I was dumb, and I showed you its perfectly acceptable English."


And I didn't imply that you are dumb, we already know how much of an idiot you are.

I said that you are not precise in your language, YOU IDIOT.

The fact that you don't understand plain English is already long established.

Which is hilarious that a fresh immigrant teaches you your fucking language and logic in your fucking language.

That's HOW dumb you are, moron.


yes you implied I had a problem because I didn't use the "precise usage?" when its perfectly fine :)

"bye braindead". wow you can't even stick by your word huh you ball less eunuch? no spine



And you keep saying that billionaires pay taxes as much as the poor people.

Show me the last time WHEN your poor ass paid 11 billions in taxes!!!!????


its about a percentage not total. come on you aren't this dumb.


And why would they pay more in percentage???

Come on, you are NOT this dumb.

You said that he paid as much as the ones making 40k.

When you use "as much" is in total you dumpshit, say the same percentage if you mean that. If you pretend to be logic use more precise language, moron.

Again: even in percentage HE DIDN'T pay the same as the one making 40k.



because they make more? because they use more of the countries infrastructure?

being semi imprecise once doesn't mean "pretending to be more logical"

you are dumb as hell and it shows. despite knowing what I meant you decided to nitpick because you had not argument :) so much for losing gracefully when you can try and stay in it by playing dumb. you proved that when that is the only part of my argument you latched on to and addressed. take your L slow brain.


"because they make more?" Says WHO? Who says that if they need to make more they need to pay a LOT more in taxes (as percentage)?

And they pay more idiot, in percentage AND in total. Learn how the fuck taxes work.

"because they use more of the countries infrastructure?"

How the fuck is Musk using "more of the country's infrastructure"??? Is he driving 10 cars at the same time??

"being semi imprecise once doesn't mean "pretending to be more logical""

You're not semi-imprecise. You're plainly wrong. And it means "pretending to be logical". Being logical is precise. You're not. You use a lot of the opposit of logic: assumptions and logical fallacies.

"despite knowing what I meant " - no, I try to be precise in my language and I expect others to do the same. You used a term in a wrong way, it's not my fault and I don't assume that you mean something different, like you do, imbecile.

NO, it's not the only part of your argument, you have no argument because you have NO logic.


says a system where if you make more you should pay your fair share as a percentage.

what roads do all his businesses drive on?? you don't think the police and other governmental services/regulatory bodies have spent countless more in relation to Tesla and his other business compared to you? im not saying them doing contracts, im saying just the normal stuff that happens when you run a massive business and the social goods they use.

you somehow, incredibly, keep getting dumber. do you have to be retaught how to breathe and chew weekly?


"says a system where if you make more you should pay your fair share as a percentage."

Yeah, and they pay. Period. You imbecile, can you understand that they do?

2. YES, when they make MORE the percentage is HIGHER you imbecile than when they make 40k.

You imbecile you aren't even capable to differentiate between Musk, the billionaire, and Tesla, the business?

We were SPECIFICALLY talking about billionaires, as individuals.
And I SPECIFICALLY asked about the individual, MUSKS.

You are incapable to understand even precise language and answer a simple question.

YOu are incredible stupid and lack any type of logic.


they don't. they get a majority of their income from capital gains or dividend, which is literally the same tax percentage as the lowest income group in America.

so they don't.

dumb dumb strikes again


On Musk:

"According to ProPublica, Musk's average effective federal income tax rate between 2013 and 2018 was 27 percent."

40k would put someone in the 12% bracket.
50k in the 22% bracket.
Both still lower.

"And the tax on exercising his Tesla stock options was much higher. "Since the options are taxed as an employee benefit or compensation, they will be taxed at top ordinary-income levels, or 37% plus the 3.8% net investment tax," notes CNBC. "He will also have to pay the 13.3% top tax rate in California since the options were granted and mostly earned while he was a California tax resident. Combined, the state and federal tax rate will be 54.1%."


Yes, dumb strikes again, only that it's you that strikes.

Fuck off imbecile.


great you chose one person and made it your whole personality!

you may have some retardation.....

Elon was exceptional in that he had to sell his stocks and had to pay his fair share. the vast majority dodge it.

for a family their wealth would come in the form of wages, which they would pay a % of in income taxes

for the wealthy, it may come in stock value. which they pay almost none of unless they sell.

so when Jeff Bezos wealth has gone up hundreds of billions yet over the years has only paid a real rate of 1% on that increased wealth.

that is not paying his fair share.

you also skipped over everything I mentioned about companies using more government resources and public goods

:) conceding you had nothing but no spine to admit it


"so when Jeff Bezos wealth has gone up hundreds of billions yet over the years has only paid a real rate of 1% on that increased wealth."

Again and again you prove how stupid you are and that you don't know what you're talking about.

You flat out, in your stupidity, conflate wealth and wealth gains with income.

Yes, you are THAT stupid.

"between 2006 and 2018, Bezos paid a total of about $1.4 billion on a reported income of $6.5 billion, or a rate of about 21.5%."

"you also skipped over everything I mentioned about companies using more government resources and public goods"

And they pay more in taxes. In reality the ones that pay those income taxes are ... the companies. Those money don't appear from thin air, they are literally paid by the company.

And when they use that gasoline, a lot more, they pay a lot more for that infrastructure.

"Nearly as much of the cost of building and maintaining highways now comes from general taxes such as income and sales taxes (plus additional federal debt) as comes from gasoline taxes or other “user fees” on drivers."

My man, I understand that you are NO expert, but leave the shitty socialist ideology (and it's illogical) and read some actual, proper, data and information.

You are full of leftist bullshit that's not valid.

And you know what's funny: whatever Musk and all others do to dodge the taxes ... it's legal.

The people that you stupid vote for could change the tax laws and make it more "fair" whatever that means. But they don't (the democrats had been in full power and did nothing), just use you as useful idiots and blame the "billionaires" for all the problems. And you idiots eat it like hot cake.


no I understand the difference. im saying that's how the wealthy get their wealth.

and through that means they pay almost none in taxes as a %. I understand. but it's like me saying "no no I don't have to pay taxes! I get paid in gold coins and those are actually assets. I'll pay taxes if I sell those gold coins."

ones how the rich get their wealth (stocks and dividends), ones how the poor and middle class get their wealth (income). and defenders like you say "no this form of payment shouldn't be taxed right away or when it is only at a tiny amount, but that form of payment and wealth should be taxed higher and right away"


the income tax is MY MONEY, not theirs. they send it but I paid it clown

finally going to grow a spine?

yes its legal because they bought politicians and made it legal. and here you are defending like a good dog. hope they give you the scraps at least.

I voted for Biden and Democrats?? when?

yes when will billionaires stop being persecuted and the victims. those poor poor billionaires.

damn you sure love tongue punching their balls.

like a pathetic simp dog.


" im saying that's how the wealthy get their wealth."

And that's irrelevant when talking about income taxation you idiot.

You always make a mess because you are indoctrinated to look at the big numbers and not at the income. "Oh, that guy has so much and I'm so poor and stupid. That's so not fair". Grow some balls.

And that's a stupid fucking retard term "fair". What is fair?? 0.5% more? 1% more? 10% more? 100% more?

"the income tax is MY MONEY, not theirs. they send it but I paid it clown"

No, you didn't. The company did. You are just the middle man between the company and the state. It's NOT your money you idiot. A lot of times they don't even reach you ...


care to grow a spine?


"Proven is usually an adjective (e.g., a proven formula), and proved is usually the inflected form of the verb prove (e.g., I proved it; I have proved it)."

Care to learn to understand english???


you can say usually but not always., disagrees with you. I used it correctly. have a spine. you were wrong


"Case in point.

Someone logical and "precise" would know that proved is the preferred form ..."

Jesus, I told you to learn some english, some logical argumentation and leave the strawamans away.

I never said, as with the expert, that it wasn't correct you imbecile.

You are too stupid to understand even the most clear nuance if language.


you going to grow a spine and admit both proved and proven are acceptable English?

now you are saying "not its preferred"

grow some balls. you made a mistake and thought you would go down the grammatical errors route. it wasn't an error. both are accepted

only imbecile is you you ball less Eunuch


No idiot, I quoted what I initially said. I said from the start “preferred”, you idiot. Not now.

Both are accepted but one is preferable.

Can you fucking understand what I’m saying? Obviously not.

You’re so fucking dumb that plain English eludes you.


get madder :) sorry disagrees. what is your degree in? English lit?


And most others agree. Even your agrees with me you imbecile:

"The Chicago Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook, prefer proved as the past participle. Throughout the 1800s, grammar guides recommended proved over proven"

"Some grammar experts will insist that proven should only ever be an adjective."

What's your degree in? Being stupid and an idiot?


The Biden "regime" has exactly ZERO people incarcerated for marijuana possession.


Did Biden really pardon them by now?
According to the article above he wanted to pardon them.



Anyhow, thanks for the article.
Will check if these people are really out of jail now.


Probably not, it wouldn't surprise me if it's another scam, like the one with student loans ...


Thought something similar.
But decided not to get upset today...Ommmmm. ☼
Will better postpone my check to the weekend.


because it should be ilegal stop beliving the gateway drugs myths you Conservaitives are Holding society Biden is your president


Nothing like trading a Russian terrorist for an anti American drug addict. This foreign policy face plant has Obamas hands all over it. Just like the Afghanistan disaster.

The Democrats running the White House lead by Obama do not work for or like the American people. They are our enemy.


yup obuma, that gay commie, is behind pedo joes reign of terror! him and big mike are pulling the strings from behind the curtain...
