MovieChat Forums > Taron Egerton Discussion > From Kingsman to Eddie the Eagle what a ...

From Kingsman to Eddie the Eagle what a douche

Everyone in UK remembers Eddie the eagle he was an idiot douche bag who failed miserably and got to the olympics by default as Uk had no skiing competitors - then he came in last
I along with most other Brits would love to forget about this miserable failure


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Not only most Brits actually remember Eddie fondly if the press is anything to go by (don't project your opinion on the majority to validate yourself, specially not if you're just making it up; it's the easiest way to reveal yourself as worthless and pathetic)... but merely playing him does not make Taron Egerton (you know, the board you posted this in) a douche.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


I'm sure you're really successful and a total winner in life worshiped by all of humanity. I don't know much about this Eddie guy, he might as well be a total loser and a douche bag but your rant makes you sound like a bitter douche bag yourself. A failed Olympian might have made the British public cry into their pillows...but Champion or loser, 99.9% of the world doesn't care either ways. It's ski jumping, nobody really cares about this sport. It's not like the UK is known for its superior Olympic standings to begin with, so there there.... grown up British dudes acting insecure over a dumb movie is the bigger embarrassment for the UK.


lmao lmao lmao hahahahahahahaaaa


Just do me one favour, sit on that metal bar on a ninety metre jump and then come back and tell me he was a loser.


The point was that he took part.
So many people whine and bitch about if they had the chance they would do this and that but most of them give up and regret of doing so.

Eddie thought f** it I am going to do it. So what if I will become the laughing stock. I can say I am an Olympian.

Whether that means something to you or not taking that step is exactly what makes the difference into becoming successful or not. Once you have that mentality you can do whatever you set your mind to it.

The CB Association


from what i got from the movie, Eddie is the definition of "if at first you dont succeed, try, try again"

winner or loser, THAT is an amazing legacy to have!


I am British and was 15 at the time he competed. I remember it fondly, I was too immature to realize his true accomplishment at the time, but I do now. He had his dream and he made it come true against all odds, and to many, that beats natural talent and God given skill hands down every time. Overcoming something that's difficult, is harder than doing what comes naturally or easy.

Good on ya Eddie, very inspiring!
