MovieChat Forums > Taron Egerton Discussion > No to Wolverine - here's why....

No to Wolverine - here's why....

He is a "boy" and Wolverine is a man. It gets so old how Hollywood keeps messing up characters to appease some sort of demographic just to get what? Idiocy?

What sucks is that too many people in Hollywood refuse to acknowledge the integrity of characters, and their origin and stay authentic with the character.

Just like Tom Cruise in the Jack Reacher role.


Taron is around the same age as Hugh when he started as Wolverine.


Correct. OP is clueless.


I can most certainly bet I am more aware of the start of Wolverine in the comics than fact, I have X-men 94 and bought it when it came out. So piss off


"I can most certainly bet I am more aware of the start of Wolverine in the comics than you"

I'd cheerfully take that bet and your money. I gave up reading comics -- including the X-Men -- before you were born.

However, I'm not interested in seeing how big you think your dick is. I'm commenting on your 'boy' issues and the fact that Egerton is thirty-three... so not a boy.

Good talk...


Read below...admitted I should have used the word "boyish" but I didn't realize how sensitive you Egerton fans are.


Did I say anything about Jackman? No, I did not....he would not have been my first choice, either back when this started. Though, I admit, I should have added Egerton is too "boyish"....


No, you didn't but you didn't have to. If you didn't think Jackman was a "man" either when he was hired, then you would have mentioned it as the obvious example instead of Cruise/Reacher. I never suggested that Jackman would have been your first choice, but you obviously think Jackman wasn't a "boy". I make this assumption because I assume you're not an idiot.

Though, I admit, I should have added Egerton is too "boyish"....

There you go. Now you're making sense.
Of course, there's a few threads below yours talking about how it he looks very old/weathered, so maybe you're clueless about what Taron actually looks and sounds like right now.


Nah, watching him in Black that is that...


I dunno man, he looks pretty beat in that to me. You might feel differently if he gets a full face of hair lol


Looks like a couple of fanboys got a little butt hurt with his posting....tsk, tsk....


Neither me nor the other guy even said that we like Taron Egerton, let alone this casting, anymore than you mentioned Hugh Jackman.


You are the gatekeeping fanboy here, clown.


Despite his boyish looks, he's not a boy.

Plus perhaps building into the casting some more room for ageing means he's good for a job that could span decades.


Yes, he looks boyish and still projects a certain boyishness, as well as a bit of sweetness, which is why yes. He's all wrong for the part.

Wolvie should be the kind of rough-tough guy who was manly enough to carry off a cigar butt in his mouth at 14.




You should watch his new Apple TV series


Who cares man? Diversity. DIVERSITY! They could cast a none-binary dwarf blonde as Bishop and we wouldn't even have the right to raise an eyebrow.
