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DeSantis ... DeSgusting

That's all. ;-)


Yeah anyone who puts America first over your cult is disgusting to you.


Yeah ... no, that's not it. Wrong again, pretty much wrong always.


Not at all, I am an unbiased , objective observer while you are blinded by what you’re cult brainwashed you with. We need to get Biden and the Demokkkrats out of office and into prison where they belong then get some adults back into the room. De Santis would be a great choice to get this country back on course


Demokkkrats ... now that is the kind of thing that shows brainwashing, and you do it in every post. I'll bet you would go postal if you could not express insulting unresolved psychopathic tendencies verbally.

What took this country off course was Republicanism ... and now they have so much stolen money that the lazy dumb half-bribed Democrats cannot fix it as they have 3 times already in our country's history.

Because of the Republicans our country like Wile E. Coyote 15 feet out from the cliff and still running. When everything finally hits bottom, I don't think any of you trolls will be any better off, you were just a tool, like toilet paper, used and flushed away because you're useless.


Not at all, I’m just calling you people out for what you are. I’m sorry the truth hurts but that’s your own problem

And Trump saved us from the disaster of Obama and now just to spite Trump Biden and the rest of the demokkkrats are doing everything they can to destroy the country. Trump gave us a peaceful Middle East, lower taxes, lower gas prices, record low unemployment including for African Americans, record low levels of illegal immigrant, energy independence and the world respected us. Your cult leader has destroyed all of that in a matter of months. You and your cult are some sick people


> Not at all, I’m just calling you people out for what you are. I’m sorry the truth hurts but that’s your own problem

Infantile imbecility. I'd love to see you try to use that in a public debate. You'd get the derision and humiliation you'd deserve.

You should study this graph with respect to the end of George W. Bush's term, Obama and Trump. The American economy is the American economy. It does well until Republicans run it into the ground, and then Democrats always have to fix it.

Conclusion: Bush allowed the Financial Meltdown to happen that hurt the economy worst in the last 20 years. Then a followup of Trump's incompetence in dealing with the CoronaVirus Pandemic also hurt the economy. While Trump did to bring about the C-19 pandemic, he shut down parts of the government infrastructure built to deal with these kinds of crises and he micromanaged the US into having the world C-19 outcomes in the developed world.

That's 2 big painful disasters out of 2 brought to us by Republicans. Plus, if we went back to 9-11 that was another failure of a Republican administration that set us on this path to endless debt, and Republican tax cuts and ballooning budget deficits and debt.

Are you kind of getting the point that you know nothing yet?


I am giving you a helpful wakeup call and a dose of reality. You should be thanking me.

Your source lists the financial crisis of 2007 and the pandemic as reasons why the economy tanked, both of those were out of the hands of Bush and Trump. The financial crisis of 2007 was caused by Dodd and Frank when they forced Banks to make loans to people who had no chance of paying it back. The pandemic was caused by China and Fauci and I wouldn't be surprised if Fauci conspired with China to release the virus in the US so it would hurt Trump, I wouldn't put it past him. Sorry but DemoKKKrats caused both of those tanks in the economy. Obama spent more money than every president that came before him yet called President Bush "unpatriotic" for spending less, so by his own standard is he unpatriotic or are you going to give me some half baked excuse as to why it was OK for him to spend 10 trillion dollars and double the national debt.

You are a liar and a libtard. You don't know what you're talking about. The economic crashes were both caused by DemoKKKrats. Thanks to Obama we had the slowest recovery we could have possibly gotten, Trump rolled in and fixed Obama's mess and now Biden is fucking it up as revenge and bitterness.

You need to research actual history, not modified libtard cultist history.


Thanks for your moldy disproven Republican talking, I mean lying points.
And more insults ...

The whole world knows the cult is the GOP, and they all hate you and no one trusts you any more. The only thing you have left is cheating, and lying. Sadly there are a lot of stupid manipulated people who have been scammed by you enough to be threatening good Americans.


You haven't disproven anything, if you have proven anything however it's your own ignorance and inability to look outside your narrowminded viewpoint your cult indoctrinated you with.

First of all I'm not a Republican, I am an Independent so saying there is a "GOP cult" doesn't mean much, secondly there is no such thing as "GOP cult", the GOP doesn't have the unity or the balls to form a cult. I am just an impartial, objective observer who has assessed the situation and is trying to help you by seeing the evil and corruption that you've been brainwashed into accepting.


OK, my mistake, you are a fake Republican that hates everything and thinks you know it all and everyone else is an idiot. Good luck with that attitude. Not very convincing to me.


I am literally an independent, I think I would know more than you would.

You however are a radically liberal demokkkrat cultist, it’s painfully obvious


If you are an independent ... what do you agree with the Democrats, or are you the kind of fake Republicans who is so off the wall and revolution radical that you are only an Independent because you are so far to the right of Republicans ... which is no independent at all.


Being Independent doesn’t mean that I agree with the DemoKKKrats and Republicans equally, I just call it like it is which you can’t do when you’ve been indoctrinated by a cult like you have.




No dodge at all, just calling you out on your cult nonsense.


What do you agree with the Democrats on?


I agree with Joe Manchin and Krysten Sienna for opposing the Demokkkrats on their 5 trillion socialist agenda that your cult leader is lying about by saying it’s free. I do not agree with a group of radical illegal immigrants stalking her into the ladies room and filming her in the stall and I don’t agree with your cult leaders for not standing up for what’s right but then again they never do


this dude is badass. enjoy ur side effects u mcfranklinsheep



He's killing a lot of Floridians if that is going a phenomenal job?


baaaaaaaaahhhhh bbbbbaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHH


Your cult leader is killing Floridians by sending them covid infected illegal immigrants and by withholding antibodies when there isn't a shortage. His vaccine mandates have also caused nurses to quit because in some cases taking the vaccine would harm them, so they have to choose between their jobs and their lives, sorry numb nuts I would choose my life.

Honestly the DemoKKKrats have no moral authority in this issue until A) They seal the border B) They actually abide by their own standards and rules and C) They throw Fauci in prison. Right now the narrative has been that even though they caused the pandemic, people who don't submit to their insane mandates are the problem. Typical libtard logic, just pass the blame onto someone else and never admit that you fucked up.


Says the fake independent.
Independent maybe in that you are independent of America and support Russia's interference to wreck it.


No I am a Pro America patriot, I do not parrot the talking points of a specific party like you do, I call it like it is which makes me a reliable source of objective morality.
