MovieChat Forums > Ron DeSantis Discussion > As much as I hate Donald Trump,

As much as I hate Donald Trump,

his sobriquet for De Santis of "Meatball Ron" was spot on.

Trump's one talent, aside from his talents for self-aggrandizement and lying, was that of reducing his opponents and potential opponents to irrelevance by coming up with a simple nickname.


Nicknames are so immature, and innappropriate for politics. I vote anti-Democrat which meant Trump in 2016, but I have never admitted to voting for Trump, and I cannot stand the guy.


me too, I voted for trump but distain the God like cult status his followers have for him. the guys is the biggest jew puppet president we ever had in history and pushed some really obscene gun laws that were UNCONSTITUTIONAL and reversed by the supreme court.(bumpstock ban, not only a ban but made it so all legal bumpstocks bought beforehand are now "illegal machineguns" that could result in a 10 year prison charge, essentially turning countless law abiding McMuricans into SERIOUS criminals overnight, setting an insanely dangerous precedent that all guns can be taken away by a simple presidential order) Luckily, the supreme court he instated saved us from his own nyc libturdation. But, the majority of republicans are so GAY and IN LOVE with him they defend all his libturd actions and make excuses. It is sad to see...


The sad truth is that most people are dumb, immature, and unenlightened. A childish nickname makes them laugh and feel superior to others. Trump realizes this, and it serves him well.


DeSantis is the best governor in the country, yet you're more impressed by Trump because of his nicknaming talent. You should be impressed by Trump because the country was in much, much better shape when he was president than it is now, or than it was before he took office. But it takes intelligence to comprehend that fact.


I agree, but what scares me is whether Trump takes the same hard stance against everything Sleepy Joe did in the same way that Sleepy Joe did to undo all the good that Trump did simply because Trump accomplished it. Partisan politics makes me wretch.

What I'm talking about specifically is if Trump's intention is to throw Ukraine under the boots of Putins Nazis simply because Diaper Joe was helping Ukraine.

If Trump plans to let Putin win (setting the precedent for China to take Taiwan), I'll abstain from voting in 2024. I'll be watching the debates carefully on this subject.


It boils down to the fact that Biden has sent far too much $$$$$$ to Ukraine instead of focusing here at home and in the end, if Trump wins and he will, this War ends.. Both sides will come to the table and hash it out that way.. Biden is simply a war monger that he keeps funding 3 Wars


If that's Trump's plan, I'm not voting for him.


Ok, be a war monger and eventually, Biden leads us to fucking World War III.. Is that what you really want just because you're butthurt over Trump??


Fuck you, putin supporter.
You'll see how good is the money you save on Ukraine after YOU will have to fight in their place.


Do you honestly think we'll see any of the money? We have illegal aliens and welfare for lifers to pay for.


after YOU will have to fight in their place

Only those that voted against Trump should be at the front lines of the meat grinder.


Eat a dick Zoomer


Ok, be a war monger ..

You must be the same type that thought letting Nazi Germany have Poland, Russia, and France plus killing every man, woman, and child with Jewish blood would have been a fine tradeoff to not fighting Germany.


Yep. It's sad and unfortunate, but it is absolutely accurate.

As soon as he labelled Marco Rubio li'l Marco it was over for his campaign. Almost instantly.


Vote Trump.
