MovieChat Forums > Pete Buttigieg Discussion > failed liberal logic

failed liberal logic

Biden Transportation Sec. Buttigieg Brags High Gas Prices Are Forcing People To Electric Vehicles

How is the electricity produced to charge an electric vehicle?
Now imagine 50 million EV's. Do we have the infrastructure and charging stations to accommodate them? Is wind and solar energy charging them? On a good day maybe 10%.
Without fossil fuel to generate the vast quantity of electricity need to charge the batteries, EV's will be a disappointment.
In the future, EV's with dead batteries parked on the side of the road will be a common sight.




...and electric cars are still out of reach for the majority of Americans. His answer “stop being poor”.🤬🖕🏻


lol, no kidding. I feel like we are living in a simulation.


stop being poor = let 'em eat cake


Did you post the wrong clip? He doesn't even mention gas prices. He was saying the price of EVs needs to come down.


lol, yeah he does...


Type the quote from that clip where he mentions "gas prices." No BS, just type the gas price quote. Let's see how good or bad a lier you are.


So if you can't defend it why don't you be a man and correct your error in your post heading. Or have you no conscience, as I unfortunately frequently find to be the case with cons.


Mining the minerals needed for all these car batteries will strip the earth if millions of acres of forest. Then in 5-10 years, the dead batteries will be discarded where?


Can't admit error, change subject.


Wouldnt it be better if car manufacturers increased the MPG on their vehicles? My 2000 Dodge Ram got 12 MPG, my new Titan gets 15 MPG. It took 22 years for 3 MPG?

What about mass transit? China and Europe both have high speed trains. The US is in the dark ages when it comes to commuter transit.


And dont forget, the people driving EV's are not paying taxes for the roads they are driving on. Eventually you will have to pay taxes on the electricity that is used to charge your car to help pay for roads and infrastructure.

Plus the average battery life is 5 to 10 years and can cost up to $10,000 to replace the batteries in a EV car.

Lastly, vast amounts of lithium will have to be mined from the earth for all the batteries.

Finally, have you noticed the average miles per gallon hasnt changed in 30 years? Some Japanese cars were getting 30 to 40 MPG in the 80's. Trucks still have an average of 15 MPG. We dont need 400 HP cars and trucks to go to work these days.


You can't gasbag your way out of it. Admit your error!


Whats going to happen to the power grid when millions of people plug their car in around the same time?


Probably neither the car manufacturers nor power plants ever thought of that, you think? Say good night, Cassandra.


Exactamundo! then why are liberals pushing EV's?


This is probably part of a larger play to disincentive vehicle ownership, probably in the name of climate change and new urbanism
